Quinault Beach 8-Ball Tournament

Casino Tour Stop #1: Quinault Beach 8-Ball
January 25-29, 2012
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (16 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (25 entries) Men'sB Scotch Doubles (7 entries)
Men's Master Singles (24 entries) Women's Master Singles (8 entries) Men'sA/WGM Singles (48 entries)
10-Ball Singles (30 entries) Women's Open Singles (36 entries) Men'sB Singles (52 entries)
Mens/Mixed Teams (40 entries) Women's Teams (11 entries) Men'sB/Mixed Teams (13 entries)
Men's Senior Singles (16 entries)
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League JDF = Juan de Fuca PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass
COB = Central Oregon BCA LINC = Lincoln City LTD = Player’s Club Limited
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SLC = South Lincoln County
CC = Cherry City LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MID = Mid Valley BCA TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
HMT = Helena BCA NPB = New Peking BCA UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House NPL = Northwest Player’s League WWA = Western Washington United BCA
INL = Inland BCA PAC = Pacific Coast BCA
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Place Prize Players
Total Entries 16
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $1600
Added Money $720
Total Payout $2320
1st $1040 Eddie Carrido Misty Saldana
2nd $580 Tommy Sliva Cindy Sliva
3rd $320 Tim Haines Rosie Jensen
4th $180 Clark Smith Andrea Saenz-Maes
5th/6th $100 Kenny Dodd Cindy Doty
5th/6th $100 Kevin Fong Pam Carraway
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Place Prize Players
Total Entries 25
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $1750
Added Money $300
Total Payout $2050
1st $750 Mike Flanigan Lisa Foster
2nd $470 Mike Gwinn Cindy Perry
3rd $290 Martin Peters Karina Harris
4th $180 Mike Troupe Candy Knutson
5th/6th $110 Chuck Hassler Tami Delano
5th/6th $110 Brian Roberson Debi Leelyn
7th/8th $70 Thomas Mott Gloria Villa
7th/8th $70 Jim Barth Mindi Henning
Men'sB Scotch Doubles return to list
Total Entries 7
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $490
Added Money $160
Total Payout $650
Place Prize Players
1st $400 Jim Bolstrom Dave Taylor
2nd $250 Tom Hoshikawa Jon Shimada
Men's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 24
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1200
Added Money $555
Total Payout $1755
Miguel Morfin 1st MMS Place Prize Player Rich Geiler 2nd MMS
1st $700 Miguel Morfin
2nd $420 Rich Geiler
3rd $240 Ted Woodward
4th $140 Leo Violette
5th/6th $80 Tommy Sliva
5th/6th $80 Kevin Fong
7th/8th $50 Pat Gamble
7th/8th $50 Clark Smith
Women's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 9
Entry Fee $55
Entry Fees $495
Added Money $195
Total Payout $690
Regene Lane WMS 1st Josie LeRoy WMS 2nd
Place Prize Player
1st $460 Regene Lang
2nd $175 Josie LeRoy
3rd $55 Nancy Measor
Men'sA/Womens Grand Master Singles return to list
Place Prize Player
Total Entries 48
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $1920
Added Money $440
Total Payout $2360
1st $625 Mike Siplivy
2nd $420 Brian Dietzenbach
3rd $285 Rick Tillett
4th $190 Andrea Saenz-Maes
5th/6th $130 Sid Krumpe
5th/6th $130 Cindy Sliva Place Prize Player
7th/8th $90 Dan Rodriguez 9th-12th $60 Horatio Tafolla
7th/8th $90 Larry Maes 13th-16th $40 Scott Perry
9th-12th $60 Hershell Blaylock 13th-16th $40 Brian Roberson
9th-12th $60 Brian Roberson 13th-16th $40 Cindy Doty
9th-12th $60 Pete Semoe 13th-16th $40 Lee Noble
Men'sB Singles return to list
Place Prize Player Roberto Zacariaz 1st-MBS Ramon Farias 2nd-MBS
Total Entries 52
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $1560
Added Money $240
Total Payout $1800
1st $485 Roberto Zacariaz
2nd $325 Ramon Farias
3rd $220 Mike Harris
4th $145 Steve Waitt
5th/6th $95 Scott Robinson
5th/6th $95 William Pearson Place Prize Player
7th/8th $65 David Cromp 9th-12th $45 Greg Lochrie
7th/8th $65 Glenn Pearson 13th-16th $30 Douglas Gibb
9th-12th $45 Dewey Bear Wheaton 13th-16th $30 Tim VonFlotow
9th-12th $45 Vernon Barber 13th-16th $30 Bryan Covey
9th-12th $45 William Ford 13th-16th $30 Alex Lugo
Women's Open Singles return to list
Total Entries 36
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1260
Added Money $210
Total Payout $1470
Linda (Smitty) Smith 1st-WOS Misty Saldana 2nd-WOS
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $450 Linda (Smitty) Smith 5th/6th $80 Joan Beaty 9th-12th $35 Jackie Tomlinson
2nd $295 Misty Saldana 5th/6th $80 Lisa Foster 9th-12th $35 Carole Hargzell
3rd $190 Patricia White 7th/8th $55 Candy Knutson 9th-12th $35 Jamie Dunn
4th $125 Robin Adams 7th/8th $55 Terry Dodson 9th-12th $35 Becky Rowell
Men's Senior Singles return to list
Total Entries 16
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $560
Added Money $95
Total Payout $655
Place Prize Player Chuck Hassler 1st-MSS Bill Henderson 2nd-MSS
1st $380 Chuck Hassler
2nd $170 Bill Henderson
3rd $70 Clark Waitt
4th $35 Bob Sandy
10-Ball Open Singles return to list
Total Entries 30
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $1200
Added Money $40
Total Payout $1240
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Miguel Morfin.John Te
1st $500 Miguel Morfin 5th/6th $60 Leo Violette
2nd $260 John Te 5th/6th $60 Clark Smith
3rd/4th $120 Eric Sawyer 7th/8th $60 Tim Haines
3rd/4th $120 Glenn Rickard 7th/8th $60 Buster Graham
Men's/Mixed Teams return to list
Rodriguez MMT-1st
Total Entries 40
Entry Fee $120
Entry Fees $4800
Added Money $1710
Total Payout $6510
Magic Act MMT-2nd
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $2250 Rodriguez Ken Dodd, Dan Rodriguez, Ron Ok
2nd $1380 Magic Act Sean Stevenson, Andrew Monstis, Mike Jensen, Carroll Johnson
3rd $855 Happy Hookers Alan Clark, Martin Peters, Aaron Rogers
4th $525 Rennie's Team Rennie Amadeo, Jing Gicoso, Bruce Gojetia
5th/6th $315 Soundview Bar & Grill Jim Conway, Loy Long, Ed Slade
5th/6th $315 Carrido's Team Eddie Carrido, Glen Carrido, Brian Roberson
7th/8th $195 Triad Brian Dietzenbach, Richard Geiler, Dewey Bear Wheaton
7th/8th $195 RSTing Steve Copher, Ray Cunningham, Tony Dunlap
9th-12th $120 Trifecta Clay Belvoir, Chris Suarez, John Te
9th-12th $120 PJ Cruisers Mike DeVeau, Bill Nelson, Doug Schulze
9th-12th $120 Let's Try This Aaron Curti, Daniel Olson II, Shane Verhaaren
9th-12th $120 One Hole Brent Langley, Miguel Morfin, Donald Rachels
Women's Teams return to list
NPL Chix 1st-WT
Total Entries 11
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $1155
Added Money $375
Total Payout $1530
Hot Shots 2nd-WT
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $810 NPL Chix Robin Adams, Cindy Doty, Debi Leelyn
2nd $405 Hot Shots Julie Gill, Bernie Foster, Sherry Griffin
3rd $210 GateKeepers Faith Morfin, Andrea Saenz-Maes, Kasia Wilcox
4th $105 Pool Whispers Elaine Eberly, Francie Johnson, Jo Woodward
Men'sB/Mixed Teams return to list
Boom Wrench MBT-1st
Total Entries 13
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $1365
Added Money $165
Total Payout $1530
Elma Lanes #1, Mike Ritter, Clark Waitt, Steve Waitt
Place Prize Team PlacePrizeTeam
1st $735 Boom Wrench Jeff Hyde, Patrick West, Fabian Jimenez
2nd $465 Elma Lanes #1 Mike Ritter, Clark Waitt, Steve Waitt
3rd $225 Alger Bar & Grill Jake Denmark, Matthew Denmark, Marc Vanderwal
4th $105 McKibben's Team Mike Harris, Kevin McKibben, Steve Walde