17th Annual Western BCA Regional 9-Ball Championships
October 13-19, 2014
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SLC = South Lincoln County
COB = Central Oregon BCA LCP = Lower Columbia Penninsula SWI = Southwest Idaho BCA
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima MID = Mid Valley BCA TC = Thurston County BCA
CC = Cherry City MTV = Mountain View Pool League TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
EV = Emerald Valley NPL = Northwest Player League UMP = Umpqua Valley
INL = Inland BCA PCGP = Player Club Grants Pass WWA = Western Washington United BCA
LINC = Lincoln City LTD = Player Club Limited  
Men's Chinook Winds Open 10-Ball Championships return to list
Total Entries 74
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $7,400
Added Money $10,000
Total Payout $17,400
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $6000 Rafael Martinez - Ellensburg, WA 9th-12th $400 Michael S. Jensen - Portland, OR
2nd $3500 Danny Gokhul - UK 9th-12th $400 Dan Louie - Mercer Island, WA
3rd $1900 Pete Gates - Oregon City, OR 9th-12th $400 Simon Pickering - Mission, BC
4th $1000 Stan Tourangeau - Ferndale, WA 9th-12th $400 Nick Kurger - Penticton, ALB
5th/6th $750 Damian Pongpanik - Monroe, WA 13th-16th $200 Jason Williams - Concord, CA
5th/6th $750 Todd Marsh - Montlake Terrace, WA 13th-16th $200 Paul Marquez - Portland, OR
7th/8th $550 Bob Zack - Portland, OR 13th-16th $200 Kevin Parr - Beaverton, OR
7th/8th $550 Darin Walding - Portland, OR 13th-16th $200 Mike Deitchman - Beaver Creek, OR
Women's Chinook Winds Open 10-Ball Championships return to list
Total Entries 32
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $3,200
Added Money $5,000
Total Payout $8,200
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $3000 Kim Jones - Lynnwood, WA 5th - 6th $550 Annie Gay - Salem, OR
2nd $1800 Cindy Sliva - Tacoma, WA 5th - 6th $550 Kimberlee Hole - Auburn, WA
3rd $1000 Deby Welfringer - Steilacoom, WA 7th - 8th $300 Cindy Doty - Kelso, WA
4th $700 Jing Liu - Seattle, WA 7th - 8th $300 Eleanor Callado - San Bruno, CA
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Total Entries 47
Entry Fee $150
Entry Fees $7050
Added Money $2430
Total Payout $9480
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $2140 Steve Lingelbach/Carissa Biggs NPL 9th-12th $290 David Thompson/Barb Thompson NPL
2nd $1530 Dave Bersenadze/Kim Jones LTD 9th-12th $290 Dan Sternberg/Cindy Rosenthal UMP/EV
3rd $1100 Mark Fenn/Linda Carter PCGP 9th-12th $290 Stan Tourangeau/Sheila Clark LTD/INL
4th $790 Kenny Dodd/Susan Preston NPL/CC 9th-12th $290 Nick Kruger/Jessica Orth WWA/NPL
5th/6th $560 Paul Marquez/Cindy Sliva NPL/CPL 13th-16th $210 Luke Thomas/Eve Stockstill CC/NPL
5th/6th $560 Carlos Cadena/Shari Ross CC/LTD 13th-16th $210 Tony Tipton/Patricia Tipton CC
7th/8th $400 Dan Louie/Jing Liu LTD 13th-16th $210 Mike Stevens/Cindy Doty NPL
7th/8th $400 Jeff Jerome/Natalie Seal WWA/LTD 13th-16th $210 Vince Mills/Eva Hill NPL
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Total Entries 78
Entry Fee $85
Entry Fees $6630
Added Money $1530
Total Payout $8160
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1510 Josh Sculley/Pam Carraway MTV 13th-16th $170 Brian Roberson/Dianna Trent WWA
2nd $1100 Tom Cicchitti/Debbie Cicchitti LTD 13th-16th $170 Brock Brisby/Raquel Walton CPL
3rd $810 Peter Ploem/Kristen Cambas NPL 13th-16th $170 Travis Gutcher/Talya Makus LTD
4th $600 Aaron Ronning/Kim Katzenberger EV 13th-16th $170 Clifford Maxson/Brittany Ellis NPL
5th/6th $430 Glenn Strode/Lynnette Perez LTD 17th - 24th $130 Gary Peyton/Tammy L. Williams PCGP
5th/6th $430 Ernie Bristow - Robin Adams NPL 17th - 24th $130 Greg Barquist/Joyce Robinson NPL
7th/8th $320 Scott Walton/Fran Johnson LTD 17th - 24th $130 Pete Semoe/Trish Semoe NPL
7th/8th $320 George Weiss/Leeja Rein CWY 17th - 24th $130 Mark Breitbach/Jocelyn Andres MTV
9th-12th $230 Trafican/Kimberly Engh NPL 17th - 24th $130 Jeremy Gradwohl/Barbara McKinney NPL
9th-12th $230 Evan Olson/Cassandra Francois LTD 17th - 24th $130 John Kiske/Elaine Eberly LTD
9th-12th $230 Tino Carrido/Sophia Tran WWA 17th - 24th $130 Rodney Ward/Annie Wapato CWY
9th-12th $230 Al Williams Jr./Katie Tobert NPL 17th - 24th $130 Tom Myers/Bonnie Russell LCC
GrandMaster Singles return to list
Mens' GrandMaster Singles Women's GrandMaster Singles
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $650 Dan Louie LTD 1st $650 Jing Liu LTD
2nd $400 Stan Tourangeau LTD 2nd $400 Kimberly Kirk LTD
3rd $250 Steve Lingelbach NPL 3rd $250 Mary Coffman NPL
Men's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 69
Entry Fee $65
Entry Fees $4,485
Added Money $1,935
Total Payout $6,420
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1450 Nick Kruger WWA 13th-16th $110 Mike Stevens NPL
2nd $1000 Paul Marquez NPL/CPL 13th-16th $110 Jason Marcoulier COB
3rd $690 Bob Olson NPL 13th-16th $110 Kevin Fong MTV
4th $480 Randy Baker CC 13th-16th $110 Clark Smith NPL
5th/6th $330 Ken Bower WWA 17th - 24th $75 Marvin Seal LTD
5th/6th $330 Jim Conway LTD 17th - 24th $75 Jeff Coates NPL
7th/8th $230 Mike Deitchman NPL 17th - 24th $75 Dave Schneider NPL
7th/8th $230 Scott Brasher NPL 17th - 24th $75 Chad Bisconer NPL
9th-12th $160 Leo Violette LTD 17th - 24th $75 Marvin Seal LTD
9th-12th $160 Tim Desmarais CWY 17th - 24th $75 Pastor Sardoncillo Jr. LTD
9th-12th $160 Steve Lingelbach NPL 17th - 24th $75 Roy Garza NPL
9th-12th $160 Roger Goodman EV 17th - 24th $75 Scott Chandler LTD
Women's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 44
Entry Fee $65
Entry Fees $2,860
Added Money $1,070
Total Payout $3,930
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $970 Deby Welfringer WWA 9th-12th $110 Rebecca Easley NPL
2nd $670 Jing Liu LTD 9th-12th $110 Cathy Duenas CPL/PCGP
3rd $465 Liz Jensen NPL 9th-12th $110 Connie Carlson NPL
4th $325 Natasha Hook CPL 9th-12th $110 Mary Olson LTD
5th/6th $225 Barb Thompson NPL 13th-16th $75 Melanie Elder LTD
5th/6th $225 Kathy Pridgen CWY 13th-16th $75 Rosie Jensen NPL
7th/8th $155 Cindy Rosenthal EV 13th-16th $75 Kathy Stanley LTD
7th/8th $155 Eve Stockstill NPL 13th-16th $75 Shirley Morgan NPL
Men'sA Singles return to list
Total Entries 124
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $6,200
Added Money $1,730
Total Payout $7,930
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1100 Castulo Garcia NPL 25th-32nd $80 Doug Schulze WWA
2nd $825 Joseph Farmer CC 25th-32nd $80 Pete Semoe NPL/WWA
3rd $605 Paul Timmons CPL 25th-32nd $80 Jora Sandhu LTD
4th $450 Vince Mills NPL 25th-32nd $80 Dan Dollente CWY
5th/6th $340 Michael Gordon/NPL NPL 25th-32nd $80 Daniel Sardoncillo LTD
5th/6th $340 Philip Bremer CPL 25th-32nd $80 Mike Owings LTD
7th/8th $255 Gary Maxwell UMP 25th-32nd $80 Tony Tipton CC
7th/8th $255 John Boldman LTD 25th-32nd $80 Mike Deveau NPL/WWA
9th-12th $190 Carl Tibbetts INL/LTD 33rd-48th $60 Travis DeJong LTD
9th-12th $190 Brookman Holmes NPL 33rd-48th $60 Doug McMullin NPL
9th-12th $190 Cody Clark LTD 33rd-48th $60 Scott Perry LTD
9th-12th $190 Ken Wilson LTD 33rd-48th $60 Evan Olson LTD
13th-16th $140 Wayne Willet CC 33rd-48th $60 Mike Eklund COB
13th-16th $140 Shea Lanter NPL 33rd-48th $60 Eric Soumokil NPL/CPL
13th-16th $140 Cliff Strom LTD 33rd-48th $60 Tyrel Datwyler NPL
13th-16th $140 Tom Myers/LCC&LCP LCC/LCP 33rd-48th $60 Brent Kirschenmann LTD
17th-24th $105 Bret Baker PCGP 33rd-48th $60 Jose Velazquez SWI
17th-24th $105 Mike C. Jensen NPL 33rd-48th $60 Patrick Wheeler LTD
17th-24th $105 Travis Gutcher LTD 33rd-48th $60 Ray Galli NPL
17th-24th $105 Paul O'Sullivan LTD 33rd-48th $60 Mike Norris CPL
17th-24th $105 Larry Francisco WWA 33rd-48th $60 Jeff Farnsworth NPL
17th-24th $105 Mike Bell NPL 33rd-48th $60 Lee Puyette CWY
17th-24th $105 Stephen Cultee LTD 33rd-48th $60 Nick Oldham WWA
17th-24th $105 Dave Jones LTD 33rd-48th $60 Don McMillin LTD
Men'sB Singles return to list
Total Entries 138
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $4,830
Added Money $955
Total Payout $5,785
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $775 Chuck Nelson LTD 25th-32nd $60 Edward Chastain NPL
2nd $575 Wayne Hanson LTD 25th-32nd $60 Charles Dotson LTD
3rd $430 Jose Chavez SWI 25th-32nd $60 Jose Jaimes EV
4th $325 Anthony Abisado EV 25th-32nd $60 Brian Barnett NPL
5th/6th $245 Charles Ernst LTD 25th-32nd $60 Adam Kolowinski NPL
5th/6th $245 Clifford Maxson NPL 25th-32nd $60 Andy Meadows LTD
7th/8th $185 Dave Canova CC 25th-32nd $60 Robert Strohm LTD
7th/8th $185 Josh Sculley MTV 25th-32nd $60 Larry Burnside NPL
9th-12th $140 Travis Graves COB 33rd-48th $45 Curt Clippard CC
9th-12th $140 Evan McClendon EV 33rd-48th $45 John Gunn EV
9th-12th $140 Greg Koba LTD 33rd-48th $45 Charles Tate SWI
9th-12th $140 Al Miller LTD 33rd-48th $45 Nathan Maines LTD
13th-16th $105 Omar Gravelle NPL 33rd-48th $45 Augustine Gonzales NPL
13th-16th $105 Francisco Silva CWY 33rd-48th $45 Dave Stanley CC
13th-16th $105 Tim Mandeles NPL 33rd-48th $45 Gary Halverson NPL
13th-16th $105 Bill Norton SLC/LINC 33rd-48th $45 Jesse Shepard
17th-24th $80 Nolan Pagdilao WWA 33rd-48th $45 Scott Smith NPL
17th-24th $80 Jerry Beaver MID 33rd-48th $45 Steve Johnson SLC
17th-24th $80 Jim Long CC 33rd-48th $45 Brian Goodrow NPL
17th-24th $80 Larry Smith NPL 33rd-48th $45 Mike Johnson EV
17th-24th $80 Greg Barquist NPL 33rd-48th $45 Nathan Dunford NPL
17th-24th $80 Cory Sweet/PCGP PCGP 33rd-48th $45 Dave Chastain CC
17th-24th $80 Steve Waitt TC 33rd-48th $45 Martin Greig EV
17th-24th $80 Chuck Ward TIO 33rd-48th $45 Rocke Bell/EV EV
Women'sA Singles return to list
Total Entries 50
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $2,000
Added Money $610
Total Payout $2,610
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $650 Staci Moses LTD 9th-12th $70 Vi Brons CWY
2nd $450 Traci Magnussen CC 9th-12th $70 Suzanne Mackey SWI
3rd $310 Debbie Cicchitti LTD 9th-12th $70 Jordan Oakes NPL
4th $220 Adrianne Beach LTD 9th-12th $70 Talya Makus LTD
5th/6th $150 Bonnie Russell LCC 13th-16th $50 Kimberly Engh NPL
5th/6th $150 Elaine Eberly LTD 13th-16th $50 Jessica Aarhaus LTD
7th/8th $100 Patty Gary SLC 13th-16th $50 Kim Miller CWY
7th/8th $100 Joyce Robinson NPL 13th-16th $50 Sarah Myers-Mitchell NPL
Women'sB Singles return to list
Total Entries 46
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1,610
Added Money $295
Total Payout $1,905
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $400 Barbara McKinney NPL 9th-12th $60 Margaret Goodman LINC
2nd $290 Tracey Cunningham CPL 9th-12th $60 Cindy Link LCC
3rd $220 Ashley Shafer SWI 9th-12th $60 BeverlySchantz CC
4th $165 Jill Wilson CC 9th-12th $60 Onie Mansor SWI
5th/6th $120 Kimberly Michaelson-Cope SWI 13th-16th $45 Mandy Smith CPL
5th/6th $120 Kari Stevens NPL 13th-16th $45 Cassi Bryant NPL/WWA
7th/8th $85 Kimberly Katzenberger EV 13th-16th $45 Diana Gourley CC
7th/8th $85 Donna Palmer NPL 13th-16th $45 Ronda Clark COB
Men's Senior Singles return to list
Total Entries 32
Entry Fee 40
Entry Fees $1,280
Added Money $330
Total Payout $1,610
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $450 Buzz Poleson NPL 7th/8th $65 Owen Miller WWA
2nd $310 Bob Green LTD 7th/8th $65 Rodney Ward CWY
3rd $210 Sonny Boggs PCGP 9th-12th $45 Joe Parkison NPL
4th $140 David Thompson NPL 9th-12th $45 Bill Lewis COB
5th/6th $95 Mike Shipley EV 9th-12th $45 Ernie Bristow NPL
5th/6th $95 Mike Harris TC 9th-12th $45 Mel White SLC
Mens/Mixed Teams return to list
Total Entries 108
Entry Fee $135
Entry Fees $14,580
Added Money $5,520
Total Payout $20,100
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $3300 East-Side-Boys Castulo 'Jesse' Garcia, Sammy Moul, Dave Schneider NPL
2nd $2430 JND William (Jack) Heggie, Nick Kruger, David G. Williams WWA
3rd $1800 Like Dominos John Lewis, Paul Schweigart, Chris Sykes NPL
4th $1350 Trouble Shooters Terry Takeuchi, Steve Tamura, Leo Violette LTD
5th/6th $990 Coats Rennie Amadeo, Eddie Mataya, Pete Semoe NPL
5th/6th $990 Eyocues Dan Louie, Larry Maes, Ernie Omori LTD
7th/8th $720 The Margins of Error Vinny Mellott, Buzz Poleson, David Randall NPL
7th/8th $720 DJ Cues I Dave Jones, Sean Lewis, Carl Tibbetts LTD
9th-12th $540 C-D-L Chad Bisconer, Larry Schave, David Thompson NPL
9th-12th $540 Sad Davyn Arscott, Andy Meadows, Stan Tourangeau LTD
9th-12th $540 Road House's Good Shot Dummies Philip Bremer, Andrew Dalbey, Paul Marquez CPL
9th-12th $540 Galli's T Kenny Dodd, Ray Galli, Shea Lanter NPL
13th-16th $390 Mohawk Spider Monkeys Hank Duren, Leland Shew, Wade Simmons EV
13th-16th $390 A Little Loaded Jose Aquino, Mike C. Jensen, Mike Stevens NPL
13th-16th $390 Cue Topia Wired Jeff Jerome, Sergio Tristan, Larry (LT) Tulfo WWA
13th-16th $390 Sharkshooters Mark Bussiere, Greg Sowder, John Whiteman NPL
17th-24th $300 Soundview B&G IV Cody Clark, Mitch Kimball, Kevin Ross LTD
17th-24th $300 2 1/2 Flips Edmund Carrido, Bruce Gojetia, Mark Goodwin WWA
17th-24th $300 Roadrunners Miguel Morfin, Arnold Rapanan, Daniel Sandoncillo LTD
17th-24th $300 The 3 Amigos Dan Beltran, Roger Goodman, Jose Jaimes EV
17th-24th $300 Islanders Randy Click, Bob Green, Ryan Skaggs LTD
17th-24th $300 DRED Ed Ambo, Todd Marsh, Toshi Moriguchi LTD
17th-24th $300 The Eagles 4390 Eric Gibson, Michael S. Jensen, Mick Johnson NPL
17th-24th $300 Papa Joe's Steve Baumann, Shawn Gibson, Tirso (Joe) Mendoza MID
25th-32nd $210 Team Dream Team Alex Blair, Dominic Cardoso, Brookman Holmes NPL
25th-32nd $210 DJ Cues II Travis Gutcher, Brent Kirschenmann, John Te LTD
25th-32nd $210 Diamond Breakers Peter Smith, Phil Squires, TBA LTD
25th-32nd $210 Bounty Hunters Ron Butts, Bob Heckel, Matt Hiatt CC
25th-32nd $210 Old School Tom Cicchitti, Michael Keife, Joe Landi LTD
25th-32nd $210 Rack 'em & Smack 'em Leonard Blaine, Edward Chastain, Vince Mills NPL
25th-32nd $210 The Strokes Tyrel Datwyler, Ed Locati, TBA NPL
25th-32nd $210 W-R-J John Evans, Wayne Milke, Randy White NPL
Womens Teams return to list
Total Entries 50
Entry Fee $120
Entry Fees $6,000
Added Money $1,905
Total Payout $7,905
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $1830 Leave It To Beaver Kimberly Engh, Trish Semoe, Cindy Sliva NPL
2nd $1290 Chalk And Awe Cassie Francois, Staci Moore-Moses, Mary Olson LTD
3rd $915 The Bigg's Crew Carissa Biggs, Kristin Cambas, Dara Koch NPL
4th $550 Ferrule Cats Dionne Alston, Theresa Twedt, Kasia Wilcox WWA
5th/6th $465 Pourhouse Poor Chix Susan Preston, Lynette Schmale, Lora Sharp EV
5th/6th $465 Super Freaks Donna Kingsbury, Kimber Sexton, Patricia Tipton CC
7th/8th $330 JMY Kim Jones, Talya Makus, Jessica Young LTD
7th/8th $330 Dirtay Shots Melyssa Chasteen, Kirsten Fery, Kira North CPL
9th-12th $240 NPL Chix Robin Adams, Cindy Doty, Brandy Phillips-Heslen NPL
9th-12th $240 Lethal Combination Jessica Aarhaus, Suwanna Matarazzo, LeAnn Russell LTD
9th-12th $240 Cheese The 9 Ball Bea Goodenough, Eva Hill, Eunice Sleight NPL
9th-12th $240 Banana Smackers Sharon Bledsoe, Sheila Clark, Alicia Kvasnicka INL
13th-16th $165 Prone To Shennanigans Debbie Cicchitti, Kimberly Kirk, Andy Ruth LTD
13th-16th $165 Pool Tourettes Lisa Foster, Fran Johnson, Shari Ross LTD
13th-16th $165 Nuclear Nine-Ball Dyamelle Castilleja, Mary Coffman, Joyce Robinson NPL
13th-16th $165 The Gatekeepers Elaine Eberly, Faith Morfin, Andrea Saenz-Maes LTD
Mens/Mixed Open-B Teams return to list
Total Entries 51
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $5,355
Added Money $1,080
Total Payout $6,435
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $1500 Barbara's B Team Brian Barnett, Jeremy Gradwohl, Barbara McKinney NPL
2nd $1050 The Green Sea Adam Jelinski, Niels Larson, Scott Pahl NPL
3rd S750 Got Hustled Glen Carrido, Nolan Pagdilao, Bill Swan WWA
4th $525 Corner-Hooked Vic Albertson, Greg Barquist, Frank Blazon NPL
5th/6th $375 Litter Patrol James Heslen, Gary Irwin, Rick Plummer NPL
5th/6th $375 Peacock Jerry Beaver, Scott Dannen, Lance Griffin MID
7th/8th $270 Inglorious Ball Tards Cleveland Harris, Clifford Maxson, Mathew McInnis NPL
7th/8th $270 Fighting Stickmen Rick Dusa, Stephen Kerner, Michael Siller NPL
9th-12th $195 Ranch Manimals Rodney Barney, Myron Hannigan, Francisco Silva CWY
9th-12th $195 BOHICA Chris Nieland, Eric Norman, Thaddeus (TJ) Wiedmeier CPL
9th-12th $195 Strip Club Players Alex Ip, Nathan Maines, Robert Strohm LTD
9th-12th $195 El Compadre Sports Bar Jerry Renion, Luberto Rodriguez, Kyle Ward CWY
13th-16th $135 BRB Philip Barrera, Larry Burnside, Gary Rothgeb NPL
13th-16th $135 All The Way Rocky Berquist, Jim Long, Glen Sakamura  CC
13th-16th $135 Forty-Two Joshua Boelter, Erich Keane, Jason Scheck NPL
13th-16th $135 Harrison's Eduardo Galvez, Mike Dryden, Bret Sherman, Keith Wolhar MID