15th Annual Western BCA Regional 9-Ball Championships
October 9-14, 2012
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (43 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (78 entries)  
Men's Master Singles (63 entries) Women's Master Singles (33 entries) Men'sA Singles (103 entries)
Men'sB Singles (176 entries) Women's Open Singles (106 entries) Men's Senior Singles (34 entries)
Men's/Mixed Teams (87 entries) Women's Teams (49 entries) Men's/MixedB Teams (51 entries)
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League LINC = Lincoln City LTD = Player’s Club Limited
COB = Central Oregon BCA LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SLC = South Lincoln County
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. SWI = Southwest Idaho BCA
CC = Cherry City MID = Mid Valley BCA TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MTV = Mountain View Pool League TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
HMT = Helena BCA NPL = Northwest Player’s League UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass WWA = Western Washington United BCA
INL = Inland BCA    
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
MMSD Champs Matt Horner & Mary Hopkin
Total Entries 43
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $4300
Added Money $2520
Total Payout $6820
MSD 2nd Place Luke Thomas & Shelby Locati
Place Prize Players League
1st $1900 Matt Horner Mary Hopkin MID/NPL
2nd $1300 Luke Thomas Shelby Locati CC/NPL
3rd $850 Paul Marquez Eve Stockstill NPL
4th $550 Will Totten Donna Totten NPL
5th - 6th $340 Chad Bisconer Stacy Eilts NPL
5th - 6th $340 Dan Louie Kathy Stanley LTD
7th - 8th $230 Kevin Ross Shari Ross LTD
7th - 8th $230 Cedric Sloan Josie Leroy NPL
9th-12th $160 Clark Smith Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL
9th-12th $160 Eddie Mataya Molly Oliver NPL/WWA
9th-12th $160 Kevin Fong Deb McDonald MTV/NPL
9th-12th $160 Mike Stevens Cindy Doty NPL
13th-16th $110 Jim Conway Nancy Measor LTD
13th-16th $110 Clayton Foran Jessica Orth CWY
13th-16th $110 Bob Heckel Patricia Tipton CC
13th-16th $110 Marvin Holmes Kimberly Kirk LTD
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
OSD Champs Brent Langley & Marian Poole
Total Entries 78
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $5460
Added Money $1350
Total Payout $6810
OSD 2nd Place Ernie Bristow and Robin Adams
Place Prize Players League
1st $1520 Brent Langley Marian Poole LTD
2nd $1070 Ernie Bristow Robin Adams NPL
3rd $750 Pat O'Meara Barbara Rosa MTV
4th $510 Ike Williams Bunny Williams WWA
5th - 6th $340 Frank Kincl Laura Hardie NPL
5th - 6th $340 Willie Wong Patty Hayes CWY
7th - 8th $240 Joe Moyak Kim Allen NPL
7th - 8th $240 Tom Cicchitti Debbie Cicchitti LTD
9th-12th $170 Ed Ambo Fran Johnson LTD
9th-12th $170 Phil Bremer Jennifer Windell CPL
9th-12th $170 Larry Maes Faith Morfin NPL
9th-12th $170 Bill Fuller Linda Fuller NPL
13th-16th $120 Mike Scotvold Kathy Pridgen CWY
13th-16th $120 Marcello Girardi Vikkie Knutson LTD
13th-16th $120 Sonny Boggs Stephanie Karpins PCGP
13th-16th $120 Tim Anderson Lisa Foster LTD
17th-24th $80 Greg Garcia Joyce Robinson NPL
17th-24th $80 Randy White Trish White NPL
17th-24th $80 Troy Payne Trish Morgan CWY
17th-24th $80 Somerfield Habener Lynnea McCrone EV
17th-24th $80 Greg Barquist Dennice Totten NPL
17th-24th $80 Scott Perry Adrianne Beach LTD
17th-24th $80 Glenn Strode Lynnette Perez LTD
17th-24th $80 Sandro Menzel Leann Russell LTD
Men's Master Singles return to list
MMS Champ Matt Horner
Total Entries 63
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $3150
Added Money $1975
Total Payout $5125
MMS 2nd Place Robert Niemeyer
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1170 Matt Horner MID 13th-16th $85 Tom Brady MID
2nd $800 Robert Niemeyer NPL 13th-16th $85 Phil Wilson LTD
3rd $550 Bob Olson NPL 13th-16th $85 Luke Thomas CC
4th $385 Mike Deitchman NPL 13th-16th $85 Clayton Foran CWY
5th - 6th $265 Pete Gates NPL 17th-24th $60 Mike Stevens NPL
5th - 6th $265 Jim Conway LTD 17th-24th $60 Eric Sawyer TC
7th - 8th $185 Roger Goodman EV 17th-24th $60 Gord Gervais LTD
7th - 8th $185 Miguel Morfin LTD 17th-24th $60 John Evans NPL
9th-12th $125 Cary Brauer WWA 17th-24th $60 Nick Lopez CWY
9th-12th $125 Cedric Sloan NPL 17th-24th $60 Steve Copher CPL
9th-12th $125 Danny Burdick PCGP 17th-24th $60 Greg Christensen COB
9th-12th $125 Ken Dodd NPL 17th-24th $60 Creigh Dumo WWA
Women's Master Singles return to list
WMS Champ Andrena Browne
Total Entries 32
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1600
Added Money $885
Total Payout $2485
WMS 2nd Place Deby Welfringer
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $850 Andrena Browne EV 7th - 8th $80 Linda Knight PCGP
2nd $500 Deby Welfringer NPL 7th - 8th $80 Stacy Eilts NPL
3rd $325 Diane Krause EV 9th-12th $50 Susan Preston EV
4th $200 Nancy Measor LTD 9th-12th $50 Barb Thompson NPL
5th - 6th $125 Shirley Morgan NPL 9th-12th $50 Kathy Stanley LTD
5th - 6th $125 Rosie Jensen NPL 9th-12th $50 Sassy Campbell CPL
Men'sA Singles return to list
MAS Champ Jeremy Harvey
Total Entries 103
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $4120
Added Money $1290
Total Payout $5410
MAS 2nd Place Dennis Young
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1000 Jeremy Harvey LTD 17th-24th $70 Phil Bremer CPL
2nd $720 Dennis Young PCGP 17th-24th $70 Charlie Burnett NPL
3rd $510 Sean Stevenson CPL 17th-24th $70 Marcello Girardi LTD
4th $370 Jim Benton LTD 17th-24th $70 Bill Fuller NPL
5th - 6th $265 Robert Danielson NPL 17th-24th $70 Eric Gibson NPL
5th - 6th $265 Jerod Barth LTD 17th-24th $70 Somerfield Habener EV
7th - 8th $190 Travis DeJong LTD 17th-24th $70 Tuy Singharaj CPL
7th - 8th $190 Bret Baker PCGP 17th-24th $70 Dan Coffman NPL
9th-12th $135 Jora Sandhu LTD 25th-32th $50 Mike Deveau WWA
9th-12th $135 Tom Myers LCP 25th-32th $50 Troy Payne CWY
9th-12th $135 Tim Anderson LTD 25th-32th $50 Ace Ogletree EV
9th-12th $135 Tommy Fulton CWY 25th-32th $50 Mike Rankin EV
13th-16th $100 Tim Desmarais CWY 25th-32th $50 Brent Langley LTD
13th-16th $100 Castulo Garcia NPL 25th-32th $50 Scott Perry LTD
13th-16th $100 Leroy Crabb NPL 25th-32th $50 Don Rachels LTD
13th-16th $100 Ryan Parke CWY 25th-32th $50 John Chaplin TIO
Men'sB Singles return to list
MBS Champ John Scudder
Total Entries 176
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $5280
Added Money $1105
Total Payout $6385
MBS 2nd Place Tim Guimeres
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $775 John Scudder NPL 33rd - 48th $45 Joe Moyak NPL
2nd $580 Tim Guimeres NPL 33rd - 48th $45 Ralph Jones CWY
3rd $440 Steve Soelberg CWY 33rd - 48th $45 Jose Aquino NPL
4th $330 Jose Velazquez SWI 33rd - 48th $45 Thomas Patrocinio CPL
5th - 6th $250 Dustin Geffe CWY 33rd - 48th $45 Jason Larson NPL
5th - 6th $250 Willie Wong CWY 33rd - 48th $45 Robert Best MID
7th - 8th $190 John Boldman LTD 33rd - 48th $45 Dan Carmen CPL
7th - 8th $190 Jim Roe COB 33rd - 48th $45 Travis Gilbert SWI
9th-12th $140 James Clifford HIH 33rd - 48th $45 Steve Sessums SWI
9th-12th $140 Alex Lugo TC 33rd - 48th $45 Frank Silva CWY
9th-12th $140 Steve Tamura LTD 33rd - 48th $45 Pete Gonzales NPL
9th-12th $140 Joel Peck EV 33rd - 48th $45 Wally Johnston NPL
13th-16th $105 Alex Blair NPL 33rd - 48th $45 Leif O'Neal EV
13th-16th $105 John Kiske LTD 33rd - 48th $45 Tim Johnson NPL
13th-16th $105 Jeff Farnsworth NPL 33rd - 48th $45 Robert Gonzales NPL
13th-16th $105 Matt Jorgenson LTD 33rd - 48th $45 Luis Esparaza SWI
17th-24th $80 James Brinson LINC 49th - 64th $35 Gary Elston NPL
17th-24th $80 Bryan Weyand COB 49th - 64th $35 Phil Gere LTD
17th-24th $80 Tyrel Datwyler NPL 49th - 64th $35 Jeremy Gilland LTD
17th-24th $80 Brad Laskoski NPL 49th - 64th $35 Al Miller LTD
17th-24th $80 Dylan Meyer CPL 49th - 64th $35 Dewayne Harvill NPL
17th-24th $80 Ryan Skaggs LTD 49th - 64th $35 Cary Bennett LTD
17th-24th $80 Travis Graves COB 49th - 64th $35 Caleb Dugger SWI
17th-24th $80 Frank Blazon NPL 49th - 64th $35 Izzur Lemus CPL
25th-32th $60 Anthony Shipley EV 49th - 64th $35 Brad Ehlers NPL
25th-32th $60 David Martin SWI 49th - 64th $35 Jose Chavez SWI
25th-32th $60 Jeffrey Leach MTV 49th - 64th $35 Ciro Hernandez TIO
25th-32th $60 Chuck Tate SWI 49th - 64th $35 Matt Cook UMP
25th-32th $60 Ernie Johnson LTD 49th - 64th $35 Don Brenneman LINC
25th-32th $60 Linny Birdsong LINC 49th - 64th $35 Cliff Maxson NPL
25th-32th $60 Jim Anderson MID 49th - 64th $35 Scott Dannen MID
25th-32th $60 Paul Alexander LTD 49th - 64th $35 Zack Hill CC
Women's Open Singles return to list
WOS Champ Kathy Pridgen
Total Entries 105
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $3675
Added Money $825
Total Payout $4500
WOS 2nd Place Melyssa Chasteen
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $800 Kathy Pridgen CWY 17th-24th $60 Leann Russell LTD
2nd $575 Melyssa Chasteen CPL 17th-24th $60 Talya Makus LTD
3rd $420 Adele Evans NPL 17th-24th $60 Stephanie Karpins PCGP
4th $305 Laura Hardie NPL 17th-24th $60 Julie Stallings EV
5th - 6th $220 Kim Toops LTD 17th-24th $60 Raquel Walton CPL
5th - 6th $220 Brandy Phillips NPL 17th-24th $60 Gloria Villa LTD
7th - 8th $160 Amy Horan LINC 17th-24th $60 Jennifer Speer EV
7th - 8th $160 Pam Carraway MTV 17th-24th $60 Debbie Cicchitti LTD
9th-12th $115 Mindi Henning MTV 25th-32th $45 Windy Manuelito COB
9th-12th $115 Linda Smith CPL 25th-32th $45 Heidi Hoffman TC
9th-12th $115 Jessie Hartwell CC 25th-32th $45 Jennifer Joslin MID
9th-12th $115 Teri Dodson LCP 25th-32th $45 Beverly Schantz CC
13th-16th $85 Susan Gray NPL 25th-32th $45 Stephanie Amerman COB
13th-16th $85 Doreen Butler UMP 25th-32th $45 Becki Silva-Smith
13th-16th $85 Lynnette Perez LTD 25th-32th $45 Teresa Shaw MID
13th-16th $85 Rebecca Slyter CPL 25th-32th $45 Yvonne Colfax NPL
Men's Senior Singles return to list
MSS Champ Greg Cantrall
Total Entries 34
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1190
Added Money $320
Total Payout $1510
MSS 2nd Place Vernon Joe
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $430 Greg Cantrall NPL 7th - 8th $60 Steve Baumann MID
2nd $290 Vernon Joe WWA 7th - 8th $60 Dave Thompson NPL
3rd $200 Wes Hough NPL 9th-12th $40 Sonny Boggs PCGP
4th $130 Bill Henderson MTV 9th-12th $40 John (Cord) Parsons MID
5th - 6th $90 Lloyd Hammond LTD 9th-12th $40 Joe Chun LTD
5th - 6th $90 Wayne Milke NPL 9th-12th $40 Rafael (Jun) Pagarigan Jr NPL
Men's/Mixed Teams return to list
MMT Champs DJ Cues I
Total Entries 87
Entry Fee $120
Entry Fees $10440
Added Money $4260
Total Payout $14700
MMT 2nd Place Three Marvells
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $2505 DJ I Sean Lewis John Te Carl Tibbetts LTD
2nd $1835 Three Marvells Jim Benton Don Rachels Stan Tourangeau LTD
3rd $1320 The DeLuna Gang Paul DeLuna Greg Garcia Chad Bisconer NPL
4th $973 A Little Loaded Mike Jensen Mike Stevens Tavis Wagner NPL
5th - 6th $720 Got Gamble?? Carlos Cadena Jerald Davenport Luke Thomas CC
5th - 6th $720 Snuffy's John Chaplin Jon Chase Rick Tillett TIO
7th - 8th $525 JTS Jeremy Harvey Scott Chandler Tip Aufderheide LTD
7th - 8th $525 Saved by the Balls Jay Coomes Bill Dixon Chris Guffey NPL
9th-12th $390 Littlerock Tavern Michael Gwinn Larry Francisco Carroll Johnson Eric Sawyer TC
9th-12th $390 Blind Squirrels Pete Gates Ed Locati Darryl Schulden NPL
9th-12th $390 Another Gear Rennie Amadeo Larry Maes Edward Mataya NPL
9th-12th $390 EYO Cues Richard Geiler Vernon Joe Ernie Omori WWA
13th-16th $285 Sneakers Odor Eaters Travis Bowman Greg Cantrall Dewayne Harvill NPL
13th-16th $285 Alibi S.J.G.L. Russell Cearley Sheldon Lebow Josh Thomaschefsky EV
13th-16th $285 Pool Dawgs Jeff Goemmel Bob Prouty Mike West NPL
13th-16th $285 Good Bad & Ugly Lloyd Aalvik Ray Galli Sean Stevenson CPL
17th-24th $210 IR3 Steve Copher Tony Dunlap Dim Dy CPL
17th-24th $210 Man of the Cloth Anthony Shipley Mike Shipley Raymond Sibert EV
17th-24th $210 Club Underground Ken Dodd Frank Kincl Shea Lanter NPL
17th-24th $210 Where's Phil-Do Phil Bremer Mike Carpenter Jason Grijalva CPL
17th-24th $210 Big Shots Tony Bloom Jeramy Daniels Somerfield Habener EV
17th-24th $210 Crap, Here We Go Again! Brian Anders Paul Kinney Mike Morang PCGP
17th-24th $210 Cheese Riders Marcello Girardi Bjorn Marshall Miguel Morfin LTD
17th-24th $210 NW Cruisers Mike Deveau Owen Miller Doug Schulze WWA
25th-32th $150 Old Town Pump Ramiro Simental Kyle Ward Rodney Ward CWY
25th-32th $150 TAJ Aaron Curti Terry Erdman Justin Lilje CPL
25th-32th $150 4 Idjits With Stix Dylan Meyer Mike Dubendorf Tuy Singharaj Todd Smith CPL
25th-32th $150 Calculated Chaos Ernie Bristow Robert Niemeyer Dave Thompson NPL
25th-32th $150 Off Daily Sonny Boggs Mark Fenn James Myers PCGP
25th-32th $150 Good Fellows Tom Cicchitti Joe Landi Jora Sandhu LTD
25th-32th $150 Yukon Jacks Donald Fowler Gary Hoffman Mike Rankin EV
25th-32th $150 Three For Pool Bob Olson Larry Schave Eric Soumokil NPL
Women's Teams return to list
WT Champs Ballad Town Babes
Total Entries 49
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $5145
Added Money $1635
Total Payout $6780
WT 2nd Place The Cotton Club
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1740 Ballad Town Babes Melyssa Chasteen Tammy Holcomb Rebecca Slyter CPL
2nd $1200 The Cotton Club Sharon Bledsoe Phyllis Fernandez Alicia Kvasnicka INL
3rd $825 Have A Little Faith Debbie Cicchitti Kimberley Kirk Faith Morfin LTD
4th $555 Fifty Shades Of Green Lisa Foster Suwanna Kroll Leann Russell LTD
5th - 6th $375 Lil' Puckers Brenda Bartholomew Adele Evans Cindy Sliva NPL
5th - 6th $375 What Were We Thinking Dana Michaels Debbi Owings Lynnette Perez Kim Jones LTD
7th - 8th $255 Pop Culture Machelle Amore Stacy Eilts Kay Rubens NPL
7th - 8th $255 Girls On Fire Jessie Hartwell Theresa Palmer Beverly Schantz CC
9th-12th $180 S.T.S. Tracey Cunningham Linda Smith Shawn Wolf CPL
9th-12th $180 West Valley Ladies Cassie Epperson Trina Kessell Mary Sauve Bert Woody CWY
9th-12th $180 Hell's Angels Tania Barnhart Berni Michel Gail Stensgar WWA
9th-12th $180 Chaos Adrianne Beach Talya Makus Alisha Rogers LTD
13th-16th $120 Haven't Got A Cue Vickie Anders Laurie Kinney Linda Knight PCGP
13th-16th $120 No Balls All Game Kim Allen Alison Meacham Jennifer Windell CPL
13th-16th $120 Strokin' Bees Bea Goodenough Eva Hill Eunice Sleight NPL
13th-16th $120 Nice Girls Play Pool Cherish Carpenter Tammy Dixon Denice White NPL
Men's/MixedB Teams return to list
MMBT Champs The Islanders
Total Entries 51
Entry Fee $90
Entry Fees $4590
Added Money $960
Total Payout $5550
MMBT 2nd Place Malarkeys B
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1380 The Islanders Ernie Johnson Dexter Lewis Ryan Skaggs LTD
2nd $945 Malarkeys B Jose Aquino Seth Cumby Brad Laskowski NPL
3rd $660 Trouble Shooters John Kiske Terry Takeuchi Steve Tamura LTD
4th $465 I'm With Stupid Jim Long Glen Sakamura Jef Stuart Markus White CC
5th - 6th $315 Tres Amigos Augustine Gonzales Robert Gonzales Joe Perez NPL
5th - 6th $315 I've Seen Better Ryan Huntoon Leif O'Neal Joel Peck JR Willis EV
7th - 8th $225 Lucky Ones Rocke Bell Alex Dobler Phil Gibson EV
7th - 8th $225 Ranch Crew Rodney Barney Eric Wagner Willie Wong CWY
9th-12th $150 Chalk Is Cheap Charlie Dotson Travis Gutcher Al Miller LTD
9th-12th $150 Peacock Robert Best Scott Dannen Lance Griffin MID
9th-12th $150 Krickett's Players Moi Atinae Jimmy Best Tim Best Sean Dines Tony Smith WWA
9th-12th $150 The Strokes Aaron Coe Tyrel Datwyler Al Williams NPL
13th-16th $105 A BCA Team Tyler Amos Cary Bennett John Boldman LTD
13th-16th $105 Toadstool:New Army Luis Esparaza Chuck Tate Jose Velazquez SWI
13th-16th $105 Shooting Blanks Jason Freeman Del Frint Bryan Weyand COB
13th-16th $105 Washougal Eagles Jerry Dinsmore Omar Gravelle Joe Parkison NPL