14th Annual Western BCA Regional 9-Ball Championships
October 11-16, 2011
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (46 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (83 entries) Mens Open-A Singles (108 entries)
Mens Master Singles (70 entries) Womens Master Singles (37 entries) Mens Senior Singles (35 entries)
Mens Open-B Singles (144 entries) Womens Open Singles (98 entries) Mens/Mixed Open-B Teams (40 entries)
Mens/Mixed Teams (102 entries) Womens Teams (48 entries)
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League LTD = Player’s Club Limited
COB = Central Oregon BCA LINC = Lincoln City SLC = South Lincoln County
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SWI = Southwest Idaho BCA
CC = Cherry City LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MID = Mid Valley BCA TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
HMT = Helena BCA MTV = Mountain View Pool League UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House NPL = Northwest Player’s League WWA = Western Washington United BCA
INL = Inland BCA PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass  
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Leo Violette/Angela Jensen
Total Entries 46
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $4600
Added Money $2680
Total Payout $7280
Glenn Atwell & Shari Ross
Place Prize Players League
1st $1950 Leo Violette Angela Jensen LTD
2nd $1310 Glenn Atwell Shari Ross NPL/LTD
3rd $880 Dan Louie Jessica Orth LTD
4th $600 Marvin Seal Mary Olson LTD
5th - 6th $400 Mike Stevens Cindy Doty NPL
5th - 6th $400 Zac Masiba Barb Thompson NPL
7th - 8th $270 Gordon Gervais Brenda Willis LTD
7th - 8th $270 Eddie Mataya Mary Hopkin NPL
9th - 12th $180 Marvin Holmes Suzanne Smith LTD/NPL
9th - 12th $180 Steve Tune Shirley Morgan NPL
9th - 12th $180 Linn Petty Diane Krause EV
9th - 12th $180 Terry McDonnnell Regene Lane LTD
13th-16th $120 Chad Bisconer Stacy Eilts NPL
13th-16th $120 Eddie Carrido Susan Preston WWA/EV
13th-16th $120 Luke Thomas Eve Stockstill CC/NPL
13th-16th $120 Randy Baker Annie Gay TIO/CC
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Jackson McDonald & Robin Adams
Total Entries 83
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $5810
Added Money $1410
Total Payout $7220
Dennis Hostak/Faith Morfin
Place Prize Players League
1st $1550 Jackson McDonald Robin Adams NPL
2nd $1100 Dennis Hostak Faith Morfin NPL
3rd $780 Mark Fenn Stephanie Karpins PCGP
4th $550 Jason Coomes Eunice Sleight NPL
5th - 6th $380 Tim Desmarais Kathy Pridgen CWY
5th - 6th $380 Carlos Cadena Jill Wilson CC
7th - 8th $260 Tim Anderson Adrianne Beach LTD
7th - 8th $260 Phong Nguyen Michelle Hughes LTD
9th - 12th $180 Ernie Omori Vikkie Knutsen WWA
9th - 12th $180 David Ray Trisha Stephens NPL
9th - 12th $180 Greg Odal Bernie Foster LTD
9th - 12th $180 Brian Kvasnicka Alicia Kvasnicka INL
13th - 16th $130 Owen Miller Kasia Wilcox WWA
13th - 16th $130 Hank Duren Jena Angersetin EV
13th - 16th $130 Nick Lopez Pat Hayes CWY
13th - 16th $130 Melvin White Patty Gary SLC
17th - 24th $90 Jose Aquino Jennifer Reese NPL
17th - 24th $90 Bill Byers Shawn Graves-McCleod LTD
17th - 24th $90 Wes Bledsoe Sharon Bledsoe INL
17th - 24th $90 Mike DeVeau Kirsten Liane NPL
17th - 24th $90 Scott Gracio Wendy Lee INL
17th - 24th $90 Wally Johnston Robyn Willits NPL
17th - 24th $90 Roy Garza Barbara McKinney NPL
17th - 24th $90 Glen Reckard Kathy Stanley LTD
Men's Master Singles return to list
Eddie Carrido
Total Entries 70
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $3500
Added Money $2125
Total Payout $5625
Rick Copeland
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1250 Eddie Carrido WWA 13th - 16th $100 Cedric Sloan NPL
2nd $870 Rick Copeland MID 13th - 16th $100 Wayne Boyd WWA
3rd $605 Dillon Standley EV 13th - 16th $100 Randy Baker TIO
4th $420 Miguel Morfin LTD 13th - 16th $100 Russell Cearley EV
5th - 6th $290 John Lewis CPL 17th - 24th $65 Creigh Dumo WWA
5th - 6th $290 Clark Smith NPL 17th - 24th $65 Marvin Holmes LTD
7th - 8th $205 Gordon Gervais LTD 17th - 24th $65 Robert Niemeyer NPL
7th - 8th $205 Sean Lewis LTD 17th - 24th $65 Matt Horner CC
9th - 12th $140 Chris Byers CPL 17th - 24th $65 Jason Marcoulier COB
9th - 12th $140 Leo Violette LTD 17th - 24th $65 Mike Patterson COB
9th - 12th $140 Luke Thomas CC 17th - 24th $65 Dave Schneider NPL
9th - 12th $140 Paul Marquez NPL 17th - 24th $65 Shane Verhaaren NPL
Women's Master Singles return to list
Suzanne Smith
Total Entries 37
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1850
Added Money $1045
Total Payout $2895
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $950 Suzanne Smith NPL 7th - 8th $95 Regene Lane LTD
2nd $610 Shawn Wolf CPL 7th - 8th $95 Jo Woodward WWA
3rd $385 Barbara Thompson NPL 9th-12th $55 Tricia Tipton CC
4th $240 Jessica Orth LTD 9th-12th $55 Eileen Stephens EV
5th - 6th $150 Susan Preston EV 9th-12th $55 Brenda Willis LTD
5th - 6th $150 Shari Ross LTD 9th-12th $55 Natasha Hook CPL
Mens Open-A Singles return to list
Greg Odal
Total Entries 107
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $4280
Added Money $1300
Total Payout $5580
John Brown
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1000 Greg Odal LTD 17th - 24th $75 Brent Langley LTD
2nd $720 John Brown COB 17th - 24th $75 Sean Stevenson NPL
3rd $520 Phong Nguyen LTD 17th - 24th $75 Sergio Tristan WWA
4th $380 Roy Garza NPL 17th - 24th $75 Shawn Self CC
5th - 6th $280 Bill Irons LTD 17th - 24th $75 Nick Lopez CWY
5th - 6th $280 Mike Jensen NPL 17th - 24th $75 Bret Baker PCGP
7th - 8th $200 Chris White INL 17th - 24th $75 Rick Tillett TIO
7th - 8th $200 Jackson McDonald NPL 17th - 24th $75 Norm Reddenkopp CC
9th - 12th $140 Morgan Fleming CC 25th-32nd $55 Jeffrey Leiss CPL
9th - 12th $140 Tommy Fulton CWY 25th-32nd $55 Leroy Crabb NPL
9th - 12th $140 Randy White NPL 25th-32nd $55 Steve Heiman PCGP
9th - 12th $140 Randy Ohrstrom INL 25th-32nd $55 Aaron Marchand WWA
13th - 16th $100 Ken Wilson LTD 25th-32nd $55 Ryan Busto INL
13th - 16th $100 Daniel Coffman NPL 25th-32nd $55 John Chaplin TIO
13th - 16th $100 Dave Thompson NPL 25th-32nd $55 Jeremy Harvey LTD
13th - 16th $100 Don Fowler EV 25th-32nd $55 Linn Petty EV
Mens Open-B Singles return to list
brent Kirschenmann
Total Entries 145
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $4350
Added Money $945
Total Payout $5225
Chap Cook
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $750 Brent Kirschenmann LTD 25th - 32nd $50 Dexter Lewis LTD
2nd $555 Chap Cook PCGP 25th - 32nd $50 Gary Adam CPL
3rd $410 Gary Lewis LTD 25th - 32nd $50 Ray Lingenfelter EV
4th $310 Mayolo Munoz LINC 25th - 32nd $50 Rob Harrington CC
5th - 6th $230 Scott Perry LTD 25th - 32nd $50 Bob Johnston HIH
5th - 6th $230 David Avegio CPL 25th - 32nd $50 Wally Johnston NPL
7th - 8th $170 Paul Bennett LTD 25th - 32nd $50 Paul Alexander LTD
7th - 8th $170 Larry Nathan PCGP 25th - 32nd $50 Ken Smith PCGP
9th - 12th $125 Tony Tipton CC 33rd - 48th $35 Scott Dannen MID
9th - 12th $125 Somerfield Habener EV 33rd - 48th $35 Fred Raphaely MTV
9th - 12th $125 Eric Tate SWI 33rd - 48th $35 John Hedges WWA
9th - 12th $125 Jeff Hayes CPL 33rd - 48th $35 Bruce Maddux UMP
13th - 16th $95 Fred Matzke NPL 33rd - 48th $35 Scott Robinson NPL
13th - 16th $95 Harry Howard NPL 33rd - 48th $35 Toshi Moriguchi LTD
13th - 16th $95 Michael Atkisson CPL 33rd - 48th $35 Ryan Skaggs LTD
13th - 16th $95 Chuck Tate SWI 33rd - 48th $35 Glen Reckard LTD
17th - 24th $70 Don Wilmoth CWY 33rd - 48th $35 Tino Carrido WWA
17th - 24th $70 Seth Cumby NPL 33rd - 48th $35 Bradley Laskoski NPL
17th - 24th $70 Jose Aquino NPL 33rd - 48th $35 Rodney Barney CWY
17th - 24th $70 Glen Strode LTD 33rd - 48th $35 Mike Hoover EV
17th - 24th $70 Willie Wong CWY 33rd - 48th $35 Gary Elston NPL
17th - 24th $70 Ian Sharp EV 33rd - 48th $35 Brock Brisby CPL
17th - 24th $70 Willie Maurer CPL 33rd - 48th $35 Adam Veliz NPL
17th - 24th $70 Ryan Linker LTD 33rd - 48th $35 Greg Tracy COB
Womens Open Singles return to list
Kathy Stanley
Total Entries 98
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $3430
Added Money $790
Total Payout $4220
Rebecca Easley
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $775 Kathy Stanley LTD 17th - 24th $55 Talya Makus NPL/LTD
2nd $560 Rebecca Easley PCGP 17th - 24th $55 Liz Vosburg EV
3rd $400 Michelle Hughes LTD 17th - 24th $55 Pearl Van Pelt COB
4th $285 Suwanna Kroll LTD 17th - 24th $55 Mandi Ritthaler NPL
5th - 6th $210 Sara Moore EV 17th - 24th $55 Melissa Bower NPL
5th - 6th $210 Bernie Foster LTD 17th - 24th $55 Teri Dodson LCP
7th - 8th $150 Julie Stallings EV/MID 17th - 24th $55 Kathy Pridgen CWY
7th - 8th $150 Lynda Moore LTD 17th - 24th $55 Jan Aust COB
9th - 12th $105 Stephanie Karpins PCGP 25th - 32nd $40 Bonnie Russell LCC/LCP
9th - 12th $105 Lorraine Krom LTD 25th - 32nd $40 Trisha Stephens NPL
9th - 12th $105 Angel Veliz NPL 25th - 32nd $40 Candy Zelany SWI
9th - 12th $105 Brenda Bartholomew NPL 25th - 32nd $40 Tammy Williams NPL
13th - 16th $75 Linda Fuller NPL 25th - 32nd $40 Dee Reis LCP
13th - 16th $75 Yvonne Colfax NPL 25th - 32nd $40 Sherri Denke NPL
13th - 16th $75 Becky Way NPL 25th - 32nd $40 Bunny Williams WWA
13th - 16th $75 Jena Angerstein EV 25th - 32nd $40 Jenny Blackstone EV
Mens Senior Singles return to list
Owen Miller
Total Entries 35
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1225
Added Money $310
Total Payout $1535
Vernon Joe
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $440 Owen Miller WWA 7th - 8th $60 Deacon Bob Pike INL
2nd $300 Vernon Joe WWA 7th - 8th $60 Jim Knappenberger CPL
3rd $200 Bill Ruddick NPL 9th-12th $40 Greg Cantrall NPL
4th $135 Michael Knight PCGP 9th-12th $40 Virgle Ayers INL
5th - 6th $90 Steve Baumann MID 9th-12th $40 Robert Koski INL
5th - 6th $90 Bill Henderson MTV 9th-12th $40 DeweyBear Wheaton HIH
Mens/Mixed Teams return to list
Little Dutch-Yakima,  Tim Desmarais, Nick Lopez, Clayton Foran
Total Entries 102
Entry Fee $120
Entry Fees $12240
Added Money $4620
Total Payout $16860
Lloyd's Team, Stan Tourangeau, Joe Landi, Brent Langley
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $3000 Little Dutch-Yakima Tim Desmarais, Nick Lopez, Clayton Foran CWY
2nd $2175 Lloyd's Team Stan Tourangeau, Joe Landi, Brent Langley LTD
3rd $1575 Anger Management John Cassidy, Steve Heiman, Dennis Young PCGP
4th $1140 Golden Fleece #1 Jim Benton, Loy Long, Dan Louie LTD
5th - 6th $825 Dave Jones Custom Cues Clay Belvoir, Sean Lewis, John Te LTD
5th - 6th $825 Soundview Bar & Grill Jim Conway, Greg Odal, Ed Slade LTD
7th - 8th $600 Got Hustled Edmund Carrido, Glen Carrido, Brian Roberson, Sokvorn But WWA
7th - 8th $600 No Excuses Carlos Cadena, Aaron Probst, Luke Thomas CC
9th - 12th $435 Tacoma Players Chad Hartje, Larry Tulfo, Don Wirtaman WWA
9th - 12th $435 S.A.T. Aaron Curti, Terry Erdman, Steve Tune NPL
9th - 12th $435 D.R. MD Dan Carmen, Ray Cunningham, Mike Dubendorf, Matthew Witham CPL
9th - 12th $435 Bad Rolls Roy Garza, Sam Maul, Dave Schneider NPL
13th - 16th $315 Sharkshooters Scott Snyder, Greg Sowder, John Whiteman NPL
13th - 16th $315 Bounty Hunters Rodney Bair, Doug Ellenberger, Matt Horner CC
13th - 16th $315 Hocus Pocus Duey Bennett, Andrew Monstis, Steven Pulido CPL
13th - 16th $315 Another Gear Larry Francisco, Larry Maes, Eddie Mataya NPL
17th - 24th $225 KornerPocket Alan Buck, Marvin Holmes, Bill Irons LTD
17th - 24th $225 CanAm Gord Gervais, LLoyd Hammond, Tom Mautino LTD
17th - 24th $225 Bad Influences Jesse Arismendez, Robert Osmundson, Shawn Self CC
17th - 24th $225 Thor's Hammer Chad Bisconer, Jackson McDonald, Dave Thompson NPL
17th - 24th $225 Showboat Ken Dodd, Eric Gibson, Perley Smith NPL
17th - 24th $225 Team Liability Mike Bergland, Ryan Busto, Scott Gracio INL
17th - 24th $225 Shafer's Ralph Belgarde, John Hedges, Owen Miller, Dennis Proia WWA
17th - 24th $225 Papa Joes Steve Baumann, Joe Mendoza, Steve Mendoza MID
25th - 32nd $165 Schooner's 2 1/2 Men Rennie Amadeo Sr., Jing Gicoso, Bobby Hinkley, Jeff Baker WWA
25th - 32nd $165 Let's Roll Jason Coomes, Bill Dixon, Chris Guffey NPL
25th - 32nd $165 A Little Loaded Mike Jensen, Mike Stevens, Tavis Wagner NPL
25th - 32nd $165 That'll Never Work Jason Fick, Ken Wilson, Phillip Wilson LTD
25th - 32nd $165 Hitmen Roger Goodman, Dan Madden, Linn Petty EV
25th - 32nd $165 Rollin It Brandon Crum, Jeramy Daniels, Ken Welch EV
25th - 32nd $165 Rack-em Linda Carter, Larry Nathan, Ken Smith PCGP
25th - 32nd $165 Ranch Tavern-Yakima Scott Dzurik, Rich Fearr, Tommy Fulton CWY
Womens Teams return to list
Michelle Barkdoll, Andrea Saenz-Maes, Faith Morfin
Total Entries 48
Entry Fee $105
Entry Fees $5040
Added Money $1635
Total Payout $6675
Talya Makus, Shari Ross, Kathy Stanley
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1710 The Gatekeepers Michelle Barkdoll, Andrea Saenz-Maes, Faith Morfin NPL
2nd $1155 Marco… Talya Makus, Shari Ross, Kathy Stanley LTD
3rd $795 Whack Foo Sharon Bledsoe, Nasrin Emam, Alicia Kvasnicka, Samantha Simatos-Baeschlin INL
4th $555 The Chitlins Melissa Bower, Liz Cole, Nadia Fay NPL
5th/6th $375 CAB-bies Brenda Bartholomew, Adele Evans, Cindy Sliva NPL
5th/6th $375 Felt Up Suwanna Kroll, Alisha Rogers, Andrea Ruth LTD
7th/8th $255 Shots And Lollipops Paula Heusinkveld, Kimber Sexton, Tricia Tipton CC
7th/8th $255 NPL Chix Cindy Doty, Debie Leelyn, Mandi Ritthaler NPL
9th-12th $180 IDK Jill Brown, Cari Halbakken, Nikki Bisconer NPL
9th-12th $180 Haven't Got A "Cue" Vickie Anders, Laurie Kinney, Linda Knight PCGP
9th-12th $180 No Balls All Game Kimberly Allen, Jenny Lewis, Jennifer Windell CPL
9th-12th $180 The Baby Dinosaurs Mitzi Aoyagi, Sissy Decroos, Lynnea McCrone, Eileen Stephens EV
13th-16th $120 Toadstool A-list Suzanne Mackey, Onie Mansor, Candy Zelany SWI
13th-16th $120 Cascade Cue-tees Cherish Carpenter, Shelby Locati, Denice White CPL
13th-16th $120 Ballad Town Babes Melyssa Chasteen, Alfreda Crossen, Tammy Holcomb CPL
13th-16th $120 Top Three Michelle Nelson, Jennifer Reese, Katarzyna (Kasia) Wilcox WWA
Mens/Mixed Open-B Teams return to list
David Zelany, Dave Mackey, Jose Velasquez
Total Entries 40
Entry Fee $90
Entry Fees $3600
Added Money $720
Total Payout $4320
EGITSERP - Brent Kirschemnann, Paul Bennett, Martin Sequin, Steve Kesting
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1215 Probable Cause Dave Mackey, Jose Velasquez, David Zelany SWI
2nd $825 EGITSERP Paul Bennett, Brent Kirschenmann, Martin Seguin, Steve Kesting LTD
3rd $555 Wipe Out Glen Sakamura, Tony Tipton, Markus White CC
4th $375 Krickett's Players Jimmy Best, Tim Best, Sean Dines, Atinea Moi, Tony Smith WWA
5th/6th $255 Nemesis Chris Brown, Gary Elston, Harry Howard NPL
5th/6th $255 Old But Still Kicking Jerry Dinsmore, Omar Gravelle, Joe Parkinson NPL
7th/8th $180 The Strokes Tyrel Datwyler, Tony Metcalf, John Scudder NPL
7th/8th $180 Peacocks Robert Best, Scott Dannen, Richard Lance, Randy Skinkis MID
9th-12th $120 Luckey's #1 Shelby Glidden, Jim Grandstaff, Somerfield Habner, Ray Lingenfelter EV
9th-12th $120 Country Club Tavern Bob Chaney, Victor Fejeran, Lelani George, Bruce Maddux UMP
9th-12th $120 The "B" Squad-Yakima Richard Barahas, Ralph Jones, David Lash, Brad Laskoski CWY
9th-12th $120 Parlor Dudes Paul Alexander, Toshi Moriguchi, Concord Rapapan LTD