11th Annual Regional 9-Ball Championships
October 22-26, 2008

Master Mixed Scotch Doubles Open Mixed Scotch Doubles
Mens Master Singles Women Master Singles
Mens Open-A Singles Mens Open-B Singles
Womens Open Singles Womens Novice Singles
Mens/Mixed Teams Women Teams

Photos courtesy of Don "Cheese" Akerlow

Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list

Tyler Luce and Sheri Ross Entries 29 Shane Verhaaren and Josie LeRoy
Entry fee $100
Total Entry fees $2900
Added money $1650
Total payout $4550
Place Prize Players League
1st $1,750 Tyler Luce Shari Ross LTD
2nd $1,050 Shane Verhaaren Josie LeRoy NPL
3rd $630 Ivan Doty Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL
4th $380 Steve Lingelbach Carissa Biggs NPL
5th/6th $230 Ken Cavener Linda Carter PCGP
5th/6th $230 Bob Zack Ann Brandt NPL
7th/8th $140 Gary Givens Janie Reckard SK
7th/8th $140 Cedric Sloan Faye Fang NPL

Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list

Paul and Laurie Kinney Entries 88
Entry fee $70
Total Entry fees $6160
Added money $1450
Total payout $7610
Place Prize Players League Place Prize Players League
1st $1,460 Paul Kinney/Laurie Kinney PCGP 17th-24th $90 Todd Brady/Cindy Garvin CC
2nd $1,040 Ernest Omori/Vikkie Knutson LTD 17th-24th $90 Richard Irving/Patty Rabel INL
3rd $740 Ryan Hoffman/Gayle Gould MID 17th-24th $90 Brian Kvasnicka/Alicia Kvasnicka INL
4th $530 Vernon Joe/Milissa Saldana WWA 17th-24th $90 Ron Ok/Brenda Bartholomew NPL
5th/6th $370 Bob Cook/Sheri Cook MID 17th-24th $90 Dan Savel/Bonnie Russell LCC
5th/6th $370 Gary Hoffman/Kathy Hoffman EV 17th-24th $90 Neil Seljestad/Cindy Nieznalski TC
7th/8th $270 Wayne Milke/Vi Brons NPL 17th-24th $90 George Stefurak/Jessica Orth LTD
7th/8th $270 Ed Slade/Angela Jensen LTD 17th-24th $90 John Welsh Jr./Liz Vosburg EV
9th-12th $190 Rod Bair/Donna Kingsbury CC 25th-32nd $70 Terrel Broussard/Betty Broussard NPL
9th-12th $190 Sonny Boggs/Rebecca Easley PCGP 25th-32nd $70 Herb Johnson/Bonnie Jones CPL
9th-12th $190 Kurt Hamm/Susan Millhollin CPL 25th-32nd $70 Keith Johnson/Alisha Rogers SK
9th-12th $190 Bob(Deacon) Pike/Jonnie Landis INL 25th-32nd $70 Larry Maes/Michelle Bardkoll NPL
13th-16th $130 Gary Bragg/Natasha Hook NPL 25th-32nd $70 Steve Myers/Stacy Eilts NPL
13th-16th $130 Doug Ellenberger/Paula Hesinkveld CC 25th-32nd $70 Larry Nerny/Evelyn Thornburg TC
13th-16th $130 Nick Lopez/Karen Harvey NPL 25th-32nd $70 David Ray/Tricia Stephens NPL
13th-16th $130 Bill Nelson/Sandi Fisher INL 25th-32nd $70 Dave Secord/Pam Carraway JDF

Men’s Master Singles return to list

Bob Zack Entries 65 Matt Horner
Entry fee $50
Total Entry fees $3,250
Added money $1,760
Total payout $5,010
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1,270 Bob Zack NPL 9th-12th $110 Ivan Doty NPL 17th-24th $50 Bryan Skinner NPL
2nd $850 Matt Horner CC 9th-12th $110 Sean Lewis LTD 17th-24th $50 Chad Bisconer NPL
3rd $565 Glenn Atwell CPL 9th-12th $110 Steve Lingelbach NPL 17th-24th $50 Jeffrey Jimenez LTD
4th $375 Randy Baker TIO 9th-12th $110 Todd Marsh LTD 17th-24th $50 Ken Cavener PCGP
5th/6th $250 Jim Conway LTD 13th-16th $70 Damian Rebman CPL 17th-24th $50 Lawrence Sowell PCGP
5th/6th $250 Robert Niemeyer NPL 13th-16th $70 Jay Krause EV 17th-24th $50 Phillip Wilson LTD
7th/8th $165 Cedric Sloan NPL 13th-16th $70 Kevin Fong JDF 17th-24th $50 Russell Cearley EV
7th/8th $165 Gary Givens SK 13th-16th $70 Todd Gooch CPL 17th-24th $50 Tim Robertson NPL

Women’s Master Singles return to list

Andrea Saenz-Maes Entries 28 Linda Carter
Entry fee $50
Total Entry fees $1,400
Added money $825
Total payout $2,225
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $960 Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL 5th/6th $90 Cindy Doty NPL
2nd $530 Linda Carter PCGP 5th/6th $90 Melissa Rushton JDF
3rd $295 Liz Cole NPL 7th/8th $50 Jackie Fitchner EV
4th $160 Suzanne Smith WWA 7th/8th $50 Karla Bagley NPL

Men’s Open-A Singles return to list

Treon Pham Entries 134 Treon Pham
Entry fee $40
Total Entry fees $5,360
Added money $1,815
Total payout $7,175
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1,180 Treon Pham LTD 17th-24th $85 Dan Beltran EV 33rd-48th $45 Bill Nelson INL
2nd $850 Mike Shannon LTD 17th-24th $85 Daniel Rodriguez NPL 33rd-48th $45 Darrell Schulden NPL
3rd $615 Dennis Proia WWA 17th-24th $85 Dom Cardoso EV 33rd-48th $45 Dave Horton CPL
4th $440 Dan Miller WWA 17th-24th $85 Gary Timmons WWA 33rd-48th $45 Hershel Blaylock NPL
5th/6th $315 Carl Spencer NPL 17th-24th $85 Henry Liu CPL 33rd-48th $45 Jerry Bagley NPL
5th/6th $315 John Strout LTD 17th-24th $85 John Evans NPL 33rd-48th $45 Jerry Lawson NPL
7th/8th $230 Bret Baker PCGP 17th-24th $85 Rennie Amadeo, Sr, WWA 33rd-48th $45 Mike Rankin EV
7th/8th $230 John Cassidy PCGP 17th-24th $85 Steve Baumann MID 33rd-48th $45 Mike Siplivy WWA
9th-12th $165 Clayton Foran NPL 25th-32nd $60 Ace (Horace) Ogletree EV 33rd-48th $45 Neil Seljestad TC
9th-12th $165 Don Fowler EV 25th-32nd $60 Bill Irons LTD 33rd-48th $45 Owen Miller WWA
9th-12th $165 Mitchell Henderson NPL 25th-32nd $60 Danny Quince INL 33rd-48th $45 Pete Gates NPL
9th-12th $165 Rod Bair CC 25th-32nd $60 Denis Young PCGP 33rd-48th $45 Ron Ok NPL
13th-16th $115 Brett Milburn CPL 25th-32nd $60 George Stefurak LTD 33rd-48th $45 Sergio Tristan WWA
13th-16th $115 Ed Slade LTD 25th-32nd $60 Larry Tulfo WWA 33rd-48th $45 Steve Heiman PCGP
13th-16th $115 Loy Long LTD 25th-32nd $60 Mike Gwinn TC 33rd-48th $45 Steve Myers NPL
13th-16th $115 Luke Thomas CC 25th-32nd $60 Ryan Busto INL 33rd-48th $45 Terry Erdman NPL

Men’s Open-B Singles return to list

Mike Tierney Entries 169
Entry fee $30
Total Entry fees $5,070
Added money $770
Total payout $5,840
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1,010 Mike Tierney EV 17th-24th $65 Branch Hartsell EV 33rd-48th $35 Anthony Shipley EV
2nd $720 Doug Dunn SK 17th-24th $65 Don Jones NPL 33rd-48th $35 Dan Savel LCC
3rd $515 Bob Brandt LTD 17th-24th $65 Kenneth Wilson LTD 33rd-48th $35 Dave Kay EV
4th $365 Jackson McDonald NPL 17th-24th $65 Levi Dover COB 33rd-48th $35 Evan Brossart CPL
5th/6th $260 Bill Byers SK 17th-24th $65 Matt Palmer NPL 33rd-48th $35 Jay Knudtson COB
5th/6th $260 Rob Anderson EV 17th-24th $65 Paul Gronillo NPL 33rd-48th $35 Jim Knappenberger CPL
7th/8th $185 Nick Gochayna NPL 17th-24th $65 Shawn Crago UMP 33rd-48th $35 Joe Moyak CPL
7th/8th $185 Steve Marker CPL 17th-24th $65 W. Curtis Hunnicut NPL 33rd-48th $35 Linnie Birdsong LINC
9th-12th $130 Brian Kvasnicka INL 25th-32nd $45 Adam Stromberg SK 33rd-48th $35 Lionel Rodriguez NPL
9th-12th $130 Dave Cobb CPL 25th-32nd $45 Fred Matzke NPL 33rd-48th $35 Marc Mayabb WWA
9th-12th $130 Phil Rothschild NPL 25th-32nd $45 Garnet Snow SK 33rd-48th $35 Ray Sibert EV
9th-12th $130 Wayne Milke NPL 25th-32nd $45 John Te LTD 33rd-48th $35 Rob Theobald CC
13th-16th $95 Bill Anglin INL 25th-32nd $45 Jon Chase TIO 33rd-48th $35 Roger Forrester CPL
13th-16th $95 Charlie Burnett NPL 25th-32nd $45 Mike McClure PCGP 33rd-48th $35 Toshi Moriguchi LTD
13th-16th $95 David Ray NPL 25th-32nd $45 Rick Amos LTD 33rd-48th $35 Virgil Hunt CPL
13th-16th $95 Gregorio Cepeda TIO 25th-32nd $45 Ron Armstrong EV 33rd-48th $35 Walter Noah TIO

Women’s Open singles return to list

Bonnie McHaffey Entries 91
Entry fee $35
Total Entry fees $3,185
Added money $680
Total payout $3,865
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $750 Bonnie Mahaffey EV 17th-24th $45 Cindy Nieznalski TC
2nd $535 Donna Totten NPL 17th-24th $45 Doreen Butler UMP
3rd $380 Connie Carlson NPL 17th-24th $45 Elizabeth Saar NPL
4th $270 Val Opgrand PCGP 17th-24th $45 Jennifer Nordling NPL
5th/6th $190 Adele Evans NPL 17th-24th $45 Julie Stallings EV
5th/6th $190 Melissa (Misty) Saldana WWA 17th-24th $45 Karen Harvey NPL
7th/8th $135 Alicia Kvasnicka INL 17th-24th $45 Lori Dawkins EV
7th/8th $135 Lorraine Krom LTD 17th-24th $45 Sherri Demke NPL
9th-12th $95 Angie Kalamas EV 25th-32nd $35 Becky McCormack SK
9th-12th $95 Eileen Stephens EV 25th-32nd $35 Bonnie Russell LCC
9th-12th $95 Jennifer Windell CPL 25th-32nd $35 Brenda Bartholomew NPL
9th-12th $95 Monica Moonen EV 25th-32nd $35 Jean Bartholomew NPL
13th-16th $65 Alisha Rogers SK 25th-32nd $35 Lelani George EV
13th-16th $65 Kathy Thomason EV 25th-32nd $35 Natasha Hook NPL
13th-16th $65 Pam Carraway JDF 25th-32nd $35 Paula Huesinkveld CC
13th-16th $65 Stacy Eilts NPL 25th-32nd $35 Sandi Fisher INL

Women’s Novice singles return to list

Place Player League Prize
1st Angie Carnivale MID Trophy and paid entry into
2nd Stephanie Gustina PAC Women's Open Singles
3rd LeAnn Russell SK next Regional Tournament

Men’s/Mixed Teams return to list

Dennis Young, John Cassidy and Larry Sowell Entries 153
Entry fee $105
Total Entry fees $16,065
Added money $5,520
Total payout $21,585
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $4,305.00 Anger Management Denis Young, Lawrence Sowell, John Cassidy PCGP
2nd $2,970.00 Bounty Hunters Rod Bair, Matt Horner, Luke Thomas CC
3rd $2,040.00 Another Gear Atwell Glenn, Larry Maes, Brian Roberson NPL
4th $1,410.00 Sandy Clinic Black Gary Crane, Alex Lee, Damian Rebman CPL
5th/6th $960.00 JB & Associates @ Malarkeys Earl Crosson, Don Wirtaman, Jeff Baker WWA
5th/6th $960.00 The Nuts Jeff Jerome, Sergio Tristan, David Overbo, Bill Coates WWA
7th/8th $660.00 But It Was Suited Treon Pham, John Te, Sean Lewis LTD
7th/8th $660.00 Little Reno Billiards #1 Rennie Amadeo, Sr, Rafael Pagarigan, Jing Gicoso WWA
9th-12th $450.00 Alibi Tres Barachos Dan Beltran, Dan Madden, Bob Cummings, Randy Rothrock EV
9th-12th $450.00 Big Johnson Cody Johnson, Jessie Johnson, Mike Stevens NPL
9th-12th $450.00 Soundview Bar & Grill Jim Conway, Loy Long, Ed Slade LTD
9th-12th $450.00 The Bro's Tommy Sliva, Bobby Campbell, Scott Thurston WWA
13th-16th $315.00 Abracadabra Andrew Monstis, Steve Pulido, Sean Stevenson CPL
13th-16th $315.00 Eyo Cues Bill Irons, Ernest Omori, Scott Chandler LTD
13th-16th $315.00 Peking Dragons

Kevin Fong, Robin Butterfield, Pat O'Meara

13th-16th $315.00 Team Incognito George Stefurak, Jeffrey Jiminez, Chris Suarez LTD
17th-24th $210.00 1 Shot..1 Kill David Ray, Cedric Sloan, Lance Wessell NPL
17th-24th $210.00 3x140 Express Drew Burleson, Joe O'Connor, Nate Sandberg NPL
17th-24th $210.00 Different Strokes Raynaldo Soliz, Wynn Palmerton, Larry Nelson SNO
17th-24th $210.00 Johnny's Land Sharks Mike Siplivy, Glen Carrido, William Barrows, Creigh Dumo WWA
17th-24th $210.00 King's Full Derrick Berg, Charlie Burnett, Larry McKenzie, Darin Walding NPL
17th-24th $210.00 Rack-Um Jerry Dinsmore, Will Goodenough, Joe Parkinson, Dave Shortt NPL
17th-24th $210.00 Sandy Clinic Blue Don Iverson, Dave Randall, Philip (Lap) Wong, Steve (Doc) Cranford CPL
17th-24th $210.00 Seattle Slew U2 Steve Graham, Tyler Luce, Mike Shannon LTD
25th-32nd $150.00 Are We Done Yet? John Corrigan, Tommy Rossi, Scott Goula CC
25th-32nd $150.00 Counting Coup Justin Lilje, Steve Marker, Tommy Millhollin CPL
25th-32nd $150.00 DLG 4 SHORT Liz Cole, Darrell Schulden, Mike White NPL
25th-32nd $150.00 Eagle Eye Billiards Mark Fenn, Sonny Boggs, James Myers, Danny Burdick PCGP
25th-32nd $150.00 Joe's Sugarpine #2 David Butler, Eli Folau, Gary Maxwell UMP
25th-32nd $150.00 Stroke This!!! Dave Schelske. Josh Skei, Graig Irwin NPL
25th-32nd $150.00 Team F.O.G. Hershel Blaylock, Ivan Doty, Tim Haines NPL
25th-32nd $150.00 Team Olympia Dave Curtis, Al Clark, Jim Walters TC
33rd-48th $105.00 9Ballers David Ohler, Patrick Moore, Scott Potter INL
33rd-48th $105.00 Combo Nation Tom Moss, Danny Yaroma, Alex Stroup, Kin (Juaquin) Ada EV
33rd-48th $105.00 Conway's #1 Russell Cearley, Luke Watts, Sheldon Lebow EV
33rd-48th $105.00 Glasshouse Marc Cowling, Joe Moyak, Ron Vanpool CPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Half Evil John Evans, Josie LeRoy, Kraig Pauli NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Island Casinos Scott Brasher, Kenny Dodd, Jeff Jackson NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Junkyard Larry Beck, Gary Bragg, Tim Robertson NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Last Minute Destroyers Bill Rosenberry, Mike Jarvis, Ron Olivas NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 PC's Buck Rabbits Brent Langley, Adam Stromberg,Frank McMurtry SNO
33rd-48th $105.00 Ranch Tavern Tom Fulton, Paul Gronillo, Les Harvey NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Shark Chum Wesley Bledsoe, Christopher White, Richard Irving INL
33rd-48th $105.00 Silver Dollar Walter Noah, Richard Hansen, Richard Couch, Gerald Napier TIO
33rd-48th $105.00 Snuffy's Rick Tillett, Carlos Rodriquez, Sid Usher, John Weaver TIO
33rd-48th $105.00 Sphere Pleasure Mike Bell, Terry Erdman, Steve Tune NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 Team Runout Greg Hauser, Herb Johnson, Robert Niemeyer NPL
33rd-48th $105.00 We Don't Care Doug Capps, John Hamilton, Art Raphael NPL

Women’s Teams return to list

Anna Busley,               Cindy Doty and Shirley Morgan Entries 46
Entry fee $105
Total Entry fees $4,830
Added money $1,530
Total payout $6,360
Place Prize Team Name Players League
1st $1,740 NPL-Chix Anna Busley, Cindy Doty, Shirley Morgan NPL
2nd $1,170 Barbarians Kathy Bielas, Julie (Dolly) Martell, Barb Thompson NPL
3rd $780 Back For More Jennifer Nordling, Wanda Plummer, Kari Stevens NPL
4th $510 Super Freaks Paula Huesinkveld, Kimber Sexton, Tricia Tipton CC
5th/6th $345 Danger Zone Bernie Foster, Alisha Rogers, Melanie Elder LTD
5th/6th $345 On Fire Linda Carter, Julie Baker, Penny Burdick PCGP
7th/8th $225 Noti Heartbreakers Kris Robbins, Bonnie Mahaffey, Denise Vaughn EV
7th/8th $225 The Golden Fleece Jessica Orth, Shari Ross, Misty Saldana, Adrianne Beach LTD
9th-12th $150 Crazy Al's Anna Harris, Liz Vosburg, Kathy Hoffman EV
9th-12th $150 Just Add Alcohol Julie Fraser, Kay Rubens, Dove Thompson NPL
9th-12th $150 McQ's Ladies Johnnie Landis, Treya Rabel, Donna Taylor INL
9th-12th $150 Smokin' Suwanna Kroll, Sherry Griffin, Angela Jensen LTD
13th-16th $105 From the Sticks Nikki Bisconer, Stacy Eilts, April Verlinde NPL
13th-16th $105 Stray Katz Lounge Barbara Sisneros, Harmony Kephart, Judy Vaughn, Pattie Schad, Chrystine Sieber PAC
13th-16th $105 The Illuminators Rose Rothlisberger, Jean Snow, Becky McCormack SNO
13th-16th $105 Time Out Bettys Susan Preston, Eileen Stephens, Angie Kalamas EV