20th Annual Western BCA Regional 8-Ball Championships
March 8-15, 2015
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles (50 entries) Open Mixed Scotch Doubles (141 entries) Men's/Mixed Master Teams (19 entries)
Men's Master Singles (76 entries) Women's Master Singles (37 entries) Men's/Mixed Open Teams (75 entries)
Men'sA Singles (195 entries) Women'sA Singles (77 entries) Men's/Mixed B Teams (71 entries)
Men'sB Singles (258 entries) Women'sB Singles (100 entries) Women's Master Teams (15 entries)
Men's Senior Singles (56 entries) Women's Senior Singles (8 entries) Women's Open Teams (45 entries)
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League INL = Inland BCA LTD = Player’s Club Limited
COB = Central Oregon BCA LINC = Lincoln City SLC = South Lincoln County
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SWI = Southwest Idaho BCA
CC = Cherry City LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MID = Mid Valley BCA TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
GTE = Good Time Ernie's Inhouse League MTV = Mountain View Pool League UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House NPL = Northwest Player’s League WWA = Western Washington United BCA
ING = Inglis Valley BCA PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Total Entries 50
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $5000
Added Money $2990
Total Payout $7990
Watch the Master Scotch Doubles Final
Place Prize Players Place Prize Players
1st $2,000 Stan Tourangeau Sheila  Clark 9th-12th $220 Nick Kruger Jennifer Lewis
2nd $1,380 Randy Baker Jing Liu 9th-12th $220 Kevin Parr Corynn Walker
3rd $950 Adam Stromberg Phyllis Fernandez 9th-12th $220 Steve Tune Tamara Parlette
4th $660 Robert Olson Josie Balius 9th-12th $220 Jim Conway Nancy Measor
5th/6th $450 Kevin Fong Karla Bagley-Tias 13th-16th $150 Toshi Moriguchi Liz Cole
5th/6th $450 Jason Marcoulier Kendra Marcoulier 13th-16th $150 Sean Lewis Andrea Saenz-Maes
7th/8th $310 Steve Lingelbach Carissa Biggs 13th-16th $150 Mike Stevens Cindy Doty
7th/8th $310 Ken Dodd Susan Preston 13th-16th $150 Nick Lopez Mary Olney
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Total Entries 141
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees  $9,870
Added Money  $2,810
Total Payout  $12,680
Watch the Open Scotch Doubles Final
Place Prize Players Place Prize Players
1st $1,650 Chris Sykes Robin Adams 25th-32nd $130 Delmar Rowden Ginger Wright
2nd $1,240 Tom Myers Bonnie Russell 25th-32nd $130 Paul Schweigart Coleen Brower
3rd $940 Terry Thurlow Christy Morgan 25th-32nd $130 Roy Chevalier Kay Rubens
4th $710 Scott Perry Adrianne Beach 25th-32nd $130 Paul Allers Diana Hinshaw
5th/6th $540 George Weiss Leeja Rein 25th-32nd $130 John Earley Cathy Earley
5th/6th $540 Mike Gwinn Cindy Perry 25th-32nd $130 Patrick West Trudy McCaffery
7th/8th $410 Chad Walton Raquel Walton 25th-32nd $130 Bob Cummings Amy Horan
7th/8th $410 Peter Ploem Kristin Cambas 25th-32nd $130 David Berkman Tina Nelson
9th-12th $310 Greg Cantrall Jackie Cantrall 33rd-48th $100 Alfred Wolfe Lynn Davis
9th-12th $310 Shawn Self Donna Kingsbury 33rd-48th $100 John Scudder Kirsten Fery
9th-12th $310 Todd Phillips Kim Miller 33rd-48th $100 Doug McMullin Linda Fuller
9th-12th $310 Blade Longmire Stella Speedis 33rd-48th $100 Cody White Suzanne Mackey
13th-16th $230 Jeremy  Gradwohl Lynda Moore 33rd-48th $100 Jeramy Daniels Erica Daniels
13th-16th $230 Jeff Mee Ame' Farrell 33rd-48th $100 Shain Byrum Samantha Ransom
13th-16th $230 Jim Knappenberger Tracey Cunningham 33rd-48th $100 Donald Tomlinson Jackie Tomlinson
13th-16th $230 Michael Choe Shannon Norton 33rd-48th $100 Dave Stanley Diana Gourley
17th-24th $180 Jose Rivera Dianna Trent 33rd-48th $100 William Norvell Florine Bergstrom
17th-24th $180 Bob Anderson Val Anderson 33rd-48th $100 Izzy Lemus Smitty Smith
17th-24th $180 Scott Walton Francie Johnson 33rd-48th $100 William Bagley Windy Manuelito
17th-24th $180 Chad Spencer Debi Hollander-Haney 33rd-48th $100 Brock Brisby Margie Dennis
17th-24th $180 Ryan Skaggs Tami Delano 33rd-48th $100 Tim Murkin Lynette Schmale
17th-24th $180 Nick Buffin Kathy Murphy 33rd-48th $100 Jose Velazquez Leslie Jacobs
17th-24th $180 Wally Johnston Robyn Willits 33rd-48th $100 Joe Moyak Kim Allen
17th-24th $180 Phil Squires Talya Makus 33rd-48th $100 Rocke  Bell Lekisha Modaff
Men's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 76
Entry Fee $65
Entry Fees $4,940
Added Money $2,570
Total Payout $7,510
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $1,800 Jim Conway 9th-12th $175 Gary Crane 17th-24th $80 Jack Ramsey
2nd $1,225 Steve Tune 9th-12th $175 Jeff Coates 17th-24th $80 John Chaplin
3rd $830 Randy Baker 9th-12th $175 Steve Lingelbach 17th-24th $80 Kevin Fong
4th $565 Jimenez LTD 9th-12th $175 Tommy Rossi 17th-24th $80 Pat Schumacher
5th/6th $380 Michael Deitchman 13th-16th $120 Mike Stevens 17th-24th $80 Tim Lezard
5th/6th $380 Pete Phillipe 13th-16th $120 Jeff  Jerome  17th-24th $80 Brad Hornshaw
7th/8th $255 Junior Sardoncillo 13th-16th $120 Gord Gervais 17th-24th $80 Leo Violette
7th/8th $255 Roger Goodman 13th-16th $120 Tom Kitka 17th-24th $80 Paul Marquez
Women's Master Singles return to list
Total Entries 37
Entry Fee $65
Entry Fees $2,405
Added Money $965
Total Payout $3,370
Women's Master Singles Final
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $1,075 Jessica Orth 5th/6th $180 Linda Cyrus 9th-12th $75 Brenda Willis
2nd $690 Barbara Thompson 5th/6th $180 Julie Stallings 9th-12th $75 Rebecca Easley
3rd $435 CarlaJean Beers 7th/8th $115 Catherine Gamble 9th-12th $75 Cindy Rosenthal
4th $280 Marian Poole 7th/8th $115 Regene McDonnell 9th-12th $75 Misty Saldana
Men'sA Singles return to list
Total Entries 195
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $9,750
Added Money $2,635
Total Payout $12,385

Men'sA Singles Final
This final starts at 1:03 into match.

Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $1,600 Jason Young 17th-24th $150 Stanley Combs 33rd-48th $80 Chuck Lyle
2nd $1,240 Travis Gutcher 17th-24th $150 David (DC) Craig 33rd-48th $80 Brian Bauer
3rd $915 Benjie Grow 25th-32nd $110 Somerfield Habener 33rd-48th $80 Bradley Rickey
4th $680 Larry  Binchus 25th-32nd $110 Leroy Crabb 33rd-48th $80 Daniel Sardoncillo
5th/6th $505 Wynn Palmerton 25th-32nd $110 Chuck Nelson 33rd-48th $80 Mike Eyre
5th/6th $505 Chris McNeil 25th-32nd $110 Chris Aho 49th-64th $60 Don Rachaels
7th/8th $370 Anthony  Shipley 25th-32nd $110 Brian Tully 49th-64th $60 Steve Pulido
7th/8th $370 Brookman Holmes 25th-32nd $110 Cliff Strom 49th-64th $60 Tony Dunlap
9th-12th $270 Chris A White 25th-32nd $110 Dave Canova 49th-64th $60 Nick Buffin
9th-12th $270 Clay Skidmore 25th-32nd $110 Damon Minx 49th-64th $60 Ray Galli
9th-12th $270 James Schweiger 33rd-48th $80 Tom Myers 49th-64th $60 Gary Peyton
9th-12th $270 Joe Moyak 33rd-48th $80 Jef Stuart 49th-64th $60 Doug Hart
13th-16th $200 Bill Irons 33rd-48th $80 Leland Shew 49th-64th $60 Tip Aufderheide
13th-16th $200 Jake Dosch 33rd-48th $80 Nick Dizard 49th-64th $60 Eric Gibson
13th-16th $200 Ryan Skaggs 33rd-48th $80 Rodney Ward 49th-64th $60 Jim Stiffler
13th-16th $200 Scott Perry 33rd-48th $80 Charlie Burnett 49th-64th $60 Paul Girard
17th-24th $150 Wesley Bledsoe 33rd-48th $80 John Scudder 49th-64th $60 Damian Cordell
17th-24th $150 Scott Leach 33rd-48th $80 Bill Nelson 49th-64th $60 Chris Rodriguez
17th-24th $150 Jeffrey Hurley 33rd-48th $80 Francisco Silva 49th-64th $60 Mike Kurz
17th-24th $150 Davyn Arscott 33rd-48th $80 Andy Dalbey 49th-64th $60 Steve Malinak
17th-24th $150 Jose Chavez 33rd-48th $80 George Weiss 49th-64th $60 Chris Sykes
17th-24th $150 Ben Dwan                
Men'sB Singles return to list
Total Entries 258
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $9,030
Added Money $1,745
Total Payout $10,775
Men'sB Singles Final
This final joined in progress at 23:00 into match.
Place Prize Player Place Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $1,100 Alex Ip 33rd-48th $70 Michael Wing 65th-96th $40 Todd Phillips
2nd $825 Tom Bennett 33rd-48th $70 Jack Cobb 65th-96th $40 Duane Crumley
3rd $625 Jeremy  Gradwohl 33rd-48th $70 Jose Rivera 65th-96th $40 Allan (AJ) Loehding
4th $475 Reynold  Phillips 33rd-48th $70 Jeremy McKenney 65th-96th $40 Ervin Banks
5th/6th $360 Dave Davis 33rd-48th $70 Anthony Miranda 65th-96th $40 Walter Noah
5th/6th $360 Vinnie Ottwell 33rd-48th $70 Patrick Kyle 65th-96th $40 Brian Goodrow
7th/8th $275 Dwayne Larsen 33rd-48th $70 Jeff Snyder 65th-96th $40 Danny  Yaroma
7th/8th $275 John Fonseca 33rd-48th $70 Brett Warner 65th-96th $40 Mark Little
9th-12th $210 Danny  Defenik 33rd-48th $70 Pete   Gonzales 65th-96th $40 Michael Knight
9th-12th $210 Rodney Barney 33rd-48th $70 Virgil Hunt 65th-96th $40 Tracey Hampton
9th-12th $210 Scott Dannen 33rd-48th $70 Tony Sandoval 65th-96th $40 Tracey  McGuire
9th-12th $210 Cory Sweet 33rd-48th $70 Nolan  Pagdilao  65th-96th $40 Boyd Smith
13th-16th $160 Rich Elbon 33rd-48th $70 Luis Esparza 65th-96th $40 Steve Ransom
13th-16th $160 Jeremy Coffman 33rd-48th $70 Tom  Yeack 65th-96th $40 Jason Boyd
13th-16th $160 Steve Jines 33rd-48th $70 Richard Irving 65th-96th $40 Rick Konkler
13th-16th $160 Jeff Moore 33rd-48th $70 Tony Strzelczyk 65th-96th $40 Hank  Duren
17th-24th $120 Kris Derby 49th-64th $55 Andy Jellison 65th-96th $40 Mathew  McInnis
17th-24th $120 Chad Walton 49th-64th $55 Michael Cyrus 65th-96th $40 Robert Best
17th-24th $120 Ken Karp 49th-64th $55 Anthony  Deal 65th-96th $40 Corey Collins
17th-24th $120 Mungo  Becker 49th-64th $55 Evan  McClendon 65th-96th $40 Jeff Peters
17th-24th $120 Travis Graves 49th-64th $55 Phil Ortiz 65th-96th $40 Tyson Rich
17th-24th $120 Keith Wolhar 49th-64th $55 Patrick Aarhaus 65th-96th $40 Justin Brown
17th-24th $120 Al Miller 49th-64th $55 Steve Dugan 65th-96th $40 Jeff Tucker
17th-24th $120 Lance Griffin 49th-64th $55 Tom Mautino 65th-96th $40 Jason Hecock
25th-32nd $95 Jim Hopper 49th-64th $55 Andy Meadows 65th-96th $40 Rocke  Bell
25th-32nd $95 Herbert Kier 49th-64th $55 Dave Brooks 65th-96th $40 Ben Starkweather
25th-32nd $95 Fabian Jimenez 49th-64th $55 Brandt Ellingburg 65th-96th $40 Howard Allen
25th-32nd $95 Steve Waitt 49th-64th $55 Matt Cook 65th-96th $40 John  Zimmerman
25th-32nd $95 Charles Tate 49th-64th $55 John Flanigan 65th-96th $40 Chris Carter
25th-32nd $95 Glynn Sims 49th-64th $55 Marlon Wait 65th-96th $40 William Norvell
25th-32nd $95 Isaac Norman 49th-64th $55 Fred Trevino 65th-96th $40 Gordon Scott
25th-32nd $95 Mike Flanigan 49th-64th $55 Clinton Smith 65th-96th $40 Pat Riley
Men's Senior Singles return to list
Total Entries 56
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $2,240
Added Money $570
Total Payout $2,810
Watch the Open Scotch Doubles Final
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $565 Greg Cantrall 9th-12th $75 Joe Mendoza 17th-24th $40 David Pasciyo
2nd $400 Bill Howie 9th-12th $75 Linn Petty 17th-24th $40 Mike Hartwig
3rd $290 Mike Gwinn 9th-12th $75 Richard Olson 17th-24th $40 Paul Allers
4th $205 Ernie Omori 9th-12th $75 David Moore 17th-24th $40 Mike Shipley
5th/6th $150 Sonny Boggs 13th-16th $55 Mike Troupe 17th-24th $40 Gene Copher
5th/6th $150 Dave Thompson 13th-16th $55 James Walters 17th-24th $40 Don Sheldon
7th/8th $105 Vernon Joe 13th-16th $55 Bob Nelson 17th-24th $40 Don Dorminey
7th/8th $105 Dennis Heine 13th-16th $55 Terry Durland 17th-24th $40 Bob Brown
Women'sA Singles return to list
Total Entries 77
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $3,080
Added Money $1,005
Total Payout $4,085
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $900 Christy Loehding 9th-12th $105 Kristin Cambas 17th-24th $50 Sharon Bledsoe
2nd $625 Jennifer Acker 9th-12th $105 Suzanne Mackey 17th-24th $50 Cheyenne Stamp
3rd $435 Cassie Francois 9th-12th $105 Robin Adams 17th-24th $50 Mary Olney
4th $305 Tracey Cunningham 9th-12th $105 Bonnie Russell 17th-24th $50 Lynette Schmale
5th/6th $210 Irene Arsenault 13th-16th $70 Cynthia Bade 17th-24th $50 Gloria Villa
5th/6th $210 Kim Miller 13th-16th $70 Madalina Moreno 17th-24th $50 Tina Tillett
7th/8th $150 Vi Brons 13th-16th $70 Trish White 17th-24th $50 Lekisha Modaff
7th/8th $150 Schon Hartung 13th-16th $70 Elaine Eberly 17th-24th $50 Bernice (Bunny) Williams
Women'sB Singles return to list
Total Entries 100
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $3,500
Added Money $655
Total Payout $4,155
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $685 Christy Morgan 9th-12th $110 Julie Fraser 17th-24th $60 Rita Castilleja
2nd $510 Andrea Tomma 13th-16th $80 Bev Schantz 17th-24th $60 Trudy McCaffery
3rd $375 Eunice Sleight 13th-16th $80 Linda Thompson 25th-32nd $45 Pam Haggard
4th $275 Tina Krause 13th-16th $80 Kelley McMinn 25th-32nd $45 Nashina Lesser
5th/6th $205 Nikki Crane 13th-16th $80 Orla Poole 25th-32nd $45 Debbi Owings
5th/6th $205 Kimberly Katzenberger 17th-24th $60 Judy Miller 25th-32nd $45 Sam Martin
7th/8th $150 Kimberlee Elbon 17th-24th $60 Jamie Meiers 25th-32nd $45 Stacy  Medina 
7th/8th $150 Juli  DeWalt 17th-24th $60 Laura Smith 25th-32nd $45 Kimberly Michaelson-Cope
9th-12th $110 Claire Binci 17th-24th $60 Robyn Willits 25th-32nd $45 Carol Mellors
9th-12th $110 Kirsten Fery 17th-24th $60 Jillian Patras 25th-32nd $45 Florine Bergstrom
9th-12th $110 Nicole Donisi 17th-24th $60 Natasha Russell        
Women's Senior Singles return to list
Total Entries 9
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $360
Added Money $60
Total Payout $420
Women's Senior Singles Final
Place Prize Player Place Prize Player Place Prize Player
1st $240 Kathy Murphy 2nd $125 Patty Hayes 3rd $55 Lynda Moore
Men's/Mixed Master Teams return to list
Entries 19
Entry Fee $250
Entry Fees $4,750
Added Money $3,200
Total Payout $7,950
Men's Master Team Final
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $3,100 A Little Loaded Matt Bryan, Russell Cearley, Steve Lingelbach, Mike Stevens, Bob Zack
2nd $1,925 DJ Cues Pete Gates, Sean Lewis, Dan Louie, Paul Marquez, Lawrence Sowell
3rd $1,250 Soundview B&G #2 Scott Chandler, Kenny Dodd, Ed Slade, Leo Violette, Don Wirtaman
4th $775 Group Therapy Justin Lilje, Andrew Monstis, Robert Olson, Pat Schumacher, Steve Tune
5th/6th $450 Bottom Left Rudy Frieson, Jack Heggie, Bill Howie, Chris McNeil, Jack Ramsey
5th/6th $450 Soundview B&G #1 Randy Click, Jim Conway, Jeremy Harvey, Joe Landi, Andrew Purdy
Men's/Mixed Open Teams return to list
Total Entries 75
Entry Fee $200
Entry Fees $15,000
Added Money $5,075
Total Payout $20,075
Men's Open Team Final
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $2,900 Hi Tide Tsunami's Vince Draper, Kim Raymond, Rich Rottle, Joe Tamura, Paul Valley
2nd $2,275 Playhouse Kevin Brennan, Max Ervin, Jason Patrick, Gary Welch, Jason Young
3rd $1,775 Brown's, Whites & Gray Bruce Gojetia, Mark Goodwin, Sean Gray, Jeff Lantor, Jeff Wells
4th $1,375 M & M Cody Clark, Ben Dwan, Arnold Rapapan, Jora Sandhu, Ken Wilson
5th/6th $1,075 Hannah's Jack Chace, Jeff Clark, Alex Lugo, Chuck Lyle, Martin Peters
5th/6th $1,075 Schooner's NW Cruisers Mike Deveau, Rick Konkler, Bill Kruger, Owen Miller, Robert Riddell, Douglas Schulze
7th/8th $850 Survivors Brian Bauer, Dan Beltran, Al Carver, Danny Defenik, Damon Minx, Bill Wright
7th/8th $850 Dirty Mike and the Boys Mike Flanigan, Mike Harris, Fabian Jimenez, Mike Troupe, Steve Walde, Patrick West
9th-12th $650 Why Not Us? Myron Hannigan, Fuji Renion, Willie Tomma, Anthony Wahpat, Rodney Ward
9th-12th $650 GR8 Balls of Fire Lloyd Aalvik, Bob Bingham, Joe Rubens, John Skiba, Dave Thompson
9th-12th $650 The Stroke Davyn Arscott, Tip Aurderheide, Jake Bennett, Jake Dosch, Phil Squires
9th-12th $650 Good Ol' Boyz Richard Barajas, Paul Gronillo, Gary Jennings, Rick McGuire, Francisco Silva
13th-16th $525 8 Balls & A Rack Madalina Moreno, Matt Moreno, Bill Nelson, Terry Thurlow, Paul Ward
13th-16th $525 Sparkle Motion Jared Allen, Robert Chaney, Mike DeConti, Jeff Peters, Rick Van Burger
13th-16th $525 Vista Jody DeRoest, Joey Diehl, Jeffrey Hurley, Michael Longmire, Jeremy McKenney
13th-16th $525 Straight Shooters Bob Anderson, Tim Anderson, Nick Dizard, Gene Henry, Scott Walton
17th-24th $400 Scoreboard Bruce Bartlet, Tony Fregoso, Dave Gerkin, Ron Renwick, Gary Yoder
17th-24th $400 Monkey Business Sokvorn (Crow) But, Donnie (DJ) Carlson, Brendon Iddins, James Schweiger, Robert Sewell
17th-24th $400 Lost Cause Michael Barroso, Jose Chavez, David Mackey, Anthony Miranda, Steve Sessums, Jose Valazquez
17th-24th $400 Paulie's Bill Copeland, Dave Davis, Homero Flores, Ron Plaja, Tim Von Flotow
17th-24th $400 Roadhouse Bill Armnstrong, Andy Dalbey, Joe Moyak, John Scudder, Jim Stiffler
17th-24th $400 Bad Influence Jesse Arismendez, Doug Ellenberger, Audie Hall, Shawn Self, Billy Sexton
17th-24th $400 Highly Overrated Jeramy Daniels, Hank Duren, Ryan Huntoon, Sheldon Lebow, Wade Simmons
17th-24th $400 AL OH Pcues Paul Allers, Larry Binchus, Robert Green, Chuck Hassler, Justin Rutledge, Ryan Skaggs
Men's/Mixed B Teams return to list
Total Entries 71
Entry Fee $175
Entry Fees $12,425
Added Money $2,400
Total Payout $14,825
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $2,200 Retribution Jason Bennett, Blake Fierro, Steve Hestmark, Isaac Norman, Evan Smelser
2nd $1,650 The Border Manuel Arceo, Jose Ferral, Jesse Garner, Jeremy Gradwohl, Jorge Lopez
3rd $1,300 Uptown and Friends Tom Bennett, Dan Cloe, Ricardo Gonzalez, Steve Johnson, Steve McLain, Clois Mosley
4th $1,025 Volcano Kings Kip Hale, Adam Jelinski, Mathew McInnis, Todd Molinari, Scott Pahl, Al Williams
5th/6th $800 All Spread Out Jack Cobb, Scot Gentry, Dewayne Harvill, Adam Kolowinski
5th/6th $800 Matt's Crew Rodney Barney, Juan Ibarra, Ralph Jones, Matthew Mitchell, Jose Silva
7th/8th $625 Bob's Billiard Supply Robert E. Brown, Jake Denmark, Matt Denmark, Patrick Kyle, Marc Vanderwal
7th/8th $625 Merry Time David Berkman, John Garbutt, Bruce Johnson, Dan Savol, Gordon Scott
9th-12th $475 Solid B's Mungo Becker, Anthony Beggs, Jeremy Coffman, Chris Dries, Jeff Kvasnicka
9th-12th $475 Killer Beez Rocky Bergquist, Cisco Cabello, Kris Derby, Larry Draper, Ed Grim, Q Robertson
9th-12th $475 Point 9 Corey Collins, Matt Cook, David Duncan, Roy George, Tim Redfield, JohnZimmerman
9th-12th $475 Smokey & The Bandits Brian Anders, Terry Anderson, Darren Peterson, Cory Sweet, Anthony Thornton
13th-16th $375 Grease Monkey Billiards Herbert Kier, Travis Larsen, Brett McDaniel, Al Miller, Dewey Bear Wheaton
13th-16th $375 Strict 9 Israel Arteaga, Alex Freeman, Steve Hannah, Brandon McKenzie, John Miller, Roby Smith
13th-16th $375 Peacock Scott Dannen, Ken Gardner, Lance Griffin, Ryan Mastropietro, Randy Skinkis
13th-16th $375 Mac's Howard Beglinger, Brandt Ellingburg, John Flanigan, Reuben Lopez, William Norvell, Vinnie Ottwell
17th-24th $300 Sunshine Boys Jim Grassman, Russ Ivie, John Roberts, Steve Stockton, Bill Stroope
17th-24th $300 Ranch Too - Twisted Donkeyz Scott Brown, Zac Childress, Wes Cumming, Dean Long, Blade Longmire
17th-24th $300 Stickmen (OR) Richard Cassle, Wayne Masoner, Leif O'Neal, Bob Sharp, Isaac Sharp
17th-24th $300 Underground Boys Bryan Bernard, Jason Coates, Simon Fraser, Cody Garner, Brian Goodrow
17th-24th $300 Runnin & Gunnin Jeremy Anderson, James Baldwin, BJ Bartling, Dave Curtis Sr, Nick Solorio
17th-24th $300 Felt Good Howard Allen, Ron Butts, Matt Lindsey, Jim Long, Bob Yutzie
17th-24th $300 One More Time Dan Bernasconi, Chris Nordling, Thomas Patriocino, Gary Rothgeb, Paul Sendek
17th-24th $300 Boomsticks Rob Block, Chris Brown, Scott Grosch, Stephen Kerner, Galen Krokum
Women's Master Teams return to list
Total Entries 15
Entry Fee $200
Entry Fees $3,000
Added Money $1,565
Total Payout $4,565
Women's Open Team Final
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $2,020 The Loonies n Toonies Stacy Eilts, Regene McDonnell, Cindy Sliva, Brenda Willis
2nd $1,140 Thanks For Askin' Mary Coffman, Elizabeth Jensen, Suwanna Matarazzo, Shari Ross
3rd $640 Dominions Carissa Biggs, Mary Olson, Natalie Seal, Ann Zack
4th $340 Rialto's Angels Melyssa Chasteen, Sheila Clark, Liz Cole, Eve Stockstill
5th/6th $220 Shark This Robbin Iredale,Cindy Rosenthal, Eileen Stephens, Darcy Williams
5th/6th $220 NPL CHIX Cindy Doty, Cathy Gamble, Susan Preston, Barbara Thompson
Women's Open Teams return to list
Total Entries 45
Entry Fee $140
Entry Fees $6,300
Added Money $1,760
Total Payout $8.060
Place Prize Team Name Players
1st $1,640 Startin' Trouble Casey Bowers, Dianne Knapp, Stacy Medina, Barb Sauls
2nd $1,200 Diamond Girls Linda Cassella, Christy Morgan, Kathy Murphy, Linda Thompson, Colleen Warner
3rd $880 In Progress Tracey Cunningham, Linda (Smitty) Smith, Raquel Walton, Tamara Whitmire
4th $660 Rack n Roll Joan Cory-Payne, Julie Fraser, Kathi Giles, Eunice Sleight
5th/6th $500 Angels Rebecca Douglas, Suzanne Mackey, Ashley Shafer, Cheyenne Stamp
5th/6th $500 All Bust, No Balls Val Bowlin, Michelle Jensen, Brande Martinez, Tracii Self
7th/8th $380 Fatal 8-Traction Samantha Bezates, Schon Hartung, Leslie Jacobs, Samantha Ransom
7th/8th $380 Ferrule Cats Dionne Alston, Hope Campbell, Theresa Twedt, Kasia Wilcox
9th-12th $280 Pine Tree Characters Cathy Earley, Cindy Nieznalski, Cindy Perry,Traci Wahl
9th-12th $280 Ranch Ladies Tracy Brachtenbach, Ame' Farrell, Patty Hayes, Kim Miller
9th-12th $280 Players 8ball Nanas Irene Arsenault, Coleen Brower, Sherri Denke, Barbara Ekstrom
9th-12th $280 Felt Up Jennifer Acker, Nicki Hurley, Laurie Rogers, Carlie Watrous
13th-16th $200 Doc's W & P Cynthia Bade, Michelle Dezort, Molly Reed, Jenny Sheldon, Tina Weigardt
13th-16th $200 Ex-Cues-Us Robin Adams, Linda Fuller, Sara Myers-Mitchell, Becky Way
13th-16th $200 Troubled 4 Sum Alfreda Amyotte, Kristin, Cambas, Niki Phillipi, Naomi Strong
13th-16th $200 Chix With Stix Ruth Bergman, Debbi Owings, Lynnette Perez, Jessica Young