Western BCA 8-Ball

16th Annual Western BCA 8-Ball Championships
March 7-13, 2011
League Name Acronyms
CPL = Cascade Pool League JDF = Juan de Fuca PCGP = Player’s Club Grants Pass
COB = Central Oregon BCA LINC = Lincoln City LTD = Player’s Club Limited
CWY = Central Washington - Yakima LCC = Lower Columbia Clatsop SLC = South Lincoln County
CC = Cherry City LCP = Lower Columbia Penn. TC = Thurston County BCA
EV = Emerald Valley MID = Mid Valley BCA TIO = Tioga BCA Pool League
HMT = Helena BCA NPB = New Peking BCA UMP = Umpqua Valley
HIH = Harvey's Inn House NPL = Northwest Player’s League WWA = Western Washington United BCA
INL = Inland BCA PAC = Pacific Coast BCA
Master Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
Mike Stevens & Cindy Doty
Total Entries 42
Entry Fee $100
Entry Fees $4,200
Added Money $2,680
Total Payout $6,880
Rich Geiler & Shari Ross
Place Prize Players League
1st $1800 Mike Stevens Cindy Doty NPL
2nd $1220 Richard Geiler Shari Ross LTD
3rd $830 Dan Louie Jessica Orth NPL
4th $460 Stan Tourangeau Susan Preston LTD/PCGP
5th/6th $380 Edmund Carrido Sr. Sue Orr WWA
5th/6th $380 Eddie Mataya Cindy Sliva NPL
7th/8th $260 Mike Zimmerman Linda Carter PCGP
7th/8th $260 Randy Baker Julie Baker TIO/PCGP
9th-12th $180 Chris Guffey Mike Fitzgerald NPL
9th-12th $180 Luke Thomas Eve Stockstill CC/NPL
9th-12th $180 Tommy Rossi Annie Gay CC
9th-12th $180 Paul Marquez Kimberly Kirk NPL/LTD
13th-16th $120 Kevin Fong Deb McDonald NPB/NPL
13th-16th $120 Carl Tibbetts Phyllis Fernandez INL
13th-16th $120 Jeremy Harvey Jo Woodward LTD
13th-16th $120 Steve Tune Brenda Bartholomew CPL/NPL
Open Mixed Scotch Doubles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 118
Entry Fee $70
Entry Fees $8,260
Added Money $2,020
Total Payout $10,280
2nd Place
Place Prize Players League
1st $1400 Chris Suarez Alisha Rogers LTD
2nd $1050 David Ringler Mandi Ritthaler NPL
3rd $780 Daniel Coffman Angelique Veliz NPL
4th $590 Andrew Purdy Sara Mullineaux LTD
5th/6th $440 Gary Hoffman Kathy Hoffman EV
5th/6th $440 Mike Hocevar Debi Hollander UMP
7th/8th $330 Tim Desmarais Larenda Davis CWY
7th/8th $330 Glen Reckard Kathy Stanley LTD
9th-12th $250 Scott Tomlinson Jackie Tomlinson LTD
9th-12th $250 Dan Rodriguez Nadia Fay NPL
9th-12th $250 Paul Ward Madalina Moreno INL
9th-12th $250 Bernard Borran Brandy Phillips NPL
13th-16th $180 Rick Tillett Tina Tillett TIO
13th-16th $180 Jason Hunt Deanna Sherman PCGP
13th-16th $180 Chuck Hassler Jamie Meiers LTD
13th-16th $180 Mel White Patty Gary SLC
17th-24th $140 Brian Tully Gayla Tully CC
17th-24th $140 Chris Nordling Jennifer Nordling NPL
17th-24th $140 Brian Roberson Debie Leelyn NPL
17th-24th $140 Tim Anderson Talya Makus LTD
17th-24th $140 Clayton Foran Roni Lawrence CWY
17th-24th $140 Bill Fuller Linda Fuller NPL
17th-24th $140 David Kartchner Ginger Kartchner NPL
17th-24th $140 Randy Click Diana Hinshaw LTD
25th-32nd $100 Randy White Trish White NPL
25th-32nd $100 Ed Slade Faith Morfin LTD
25th-32nd $100 Stacy Sherman Jena Angerstein EV
25th-32nd $100 Tony Dunlap Jennifer Lewis CPL
25th-32nd $100 Bill Dixon Tammy Dixon NPL
25th-32nd $100 Jeramy Daniels Erica Daniels EV
25th-32nd $100 Leland Shew Julie Stallings EV
25th-32nd $100 Pat O'Meara Mindi Henning NPB
33rd-48th $80 Steve Mendoza Gayle Gould MID
33rd-48th $80 Duane Crumley Liz Visburg EV
33rd-48th $80 William Bagley Windy Manuelito COB
33rd-48th $80 Willie Toma Andrea George CWY
33rd-48th $80 Rick Amos JC Gill LTD
33rd-48th $80 Wesley Bledsoe Sharon Bledsoe INL
33rd-48th $80 Rick Greenman Megan Hussey CC
33rd-48th $80 Kevin McKibben Dawn Mason TC
33rd-48th $80 Marcello Girardi Aimee Chou LTD
33rd-48th $80 Ike Williams Bunny Williams WWA
33rd-48th $80 Carlos Cadena Bonnie Andrews CC
33rd-48th $80 Jason Grijalva Cari Halbakken NPL
33rd-48th $80 John Early Cathy Early TC
33rd-48th $80 Willie Wong Stella Speedis CWY
33rd-48th $80 Jason Young Kristie Young PCGP
33rd-48th $80 Bob Anderson Sandra Frazier LTD
Men's Master Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 77
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $3,850
Added Money $2,510
Total Payout $6,360
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1450 Damian Pongpanik LTD 13th-16th $105 Luke Thomas CC
2nd $1000 Chris Byers CPL 13th-16th $105 Gary French NPL
3rd $690 Dana Aldridge LTD 13th-16th $105 Ivan Doty NPL
4th $475 Randy Baker TIO 13th-16th $105 Phil Wilson LTD
5th/6th $325 Edmund Carrido Sr. WWA 17th-24th $75 Rick Copeland MID
5th/6th $325 Roger Goodman EV 17th-24th $75 Bill Rosenberry CPL
7th/8th $225 Mike Stevens NPL 17th-24th $75 John Gower PCGP
7th/8th $225 Creigh Dumo WWA 17th-24th $75 Russell Cearley EV
9th-12th $155 Darrold Crain PCGP 17th-24th $75 Bob Heckel CC
9th-12th $155 Ben Hassler LTD 17th-24th $75 Todd Gooch CPL
9th-12th $155 John Cassidy PCGP 17th-24th $75 Kevin Fong NPB
9th-12th $155 Pete Gates CPL 17th-24th $75 Scott Nelson WWA
Women's Master Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 29
Entry Fee $50
Entry Fees $1,450
Added Money $855
Total Payout $2,305
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $900 Josie Leroy CPL 5th/6th $115 Deb McDonald NPL
2nd $535 Mary Hopkin NPL 5th/6th $115 Diane Krause EV
3rd $320 Susan Preston EV 7th/8th $65 Nancy Measor LTD
4th $190 Eve Stockstill NPL 7th/8th $65 Darcy Williams EV
Men's Open-A Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 179
Entry Fee $40
Entry Fees $7,160
Added Money $2,335
Total Payout $9,495
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $1075 Leo Violette LTD 33rd-48th $95 Scott Walton LTD
2nd $810 Steve Copher CPL 33rd-48th $95 Doug Ellenberger CC
3rd $620 Andrew Purdy LTD 33rd-48th $95 Mike Jensen NPL
4th $475 Adam Stromberg LTD 33rd-48th $95 Rennie Amadeo Sr. WWA
5th/6th $360 Gary Crane CPL 33rd-48th $95 Chris Aho CPL
5th/6th $360 Dennis Brown INL 33rd-48th $95 Mike Scotvold CWY
7th/8th $275 Jerry Hagen NPB 33rd-48th $95 Jason Defilippis INL
7th/8th $275 Chris Suarez LTD 33rd-48th $95 Ryan Busto INL
9th-12th $210 Gary Hoffman EV 33rd-48th $95 Crow Butt NPL
9th-12th $210 Shea Lanter NPL 33rd-48th $95 Jerry Lawson NPL
9th-12th $210 Larry Maes NPL 33rd-48th $95 Anthony Wahpat CWY
9th-12th $210 Bernard Borran NPL 33rd-48th $95 Clay Skidmore INL
13th-16th $160 Brian Roberson WWA 33rd-48th $95 Mike Crenshaw CPL
13th-16th $160 Sean Stevenson NPL 33rd-48th $95 Jackson McDonald NPL
13th-16th $160 Doug Schulze WWA 33rd-48th $95 Ed Slade LTD
13th-16th $160 Linn Petty EV 33rd-48th $95 Bill Irons LTD
17th-24th $125 Jason Grijalva NPL 49th-64th $55 Mike Bergland INL
17th-24th $125 Eric Baird UMP 49th-64th $55 Rick Tillett TIO
17th-24th $125 Daniel Coffman NPL 49th-64th $55 Owen Miller WWA
17th-24th $125 Jon Chase TIO 49th-64th $55 Nick Lopez CWY
17th-24th $125 Carl Tibbetts INL 49th-64th $55 David Ringler NPL
17th-24th $125 Derrick Bridges HIH 49th-64th $55 Jeremy Harvey LTD
17th-24th $125 Tim Desmarais CWY 49th-64th $55 Jay Coomes NPL
17th-24th $125 Josh Holder PCGP 49th-64th $55 John Brown COB
25th-32nd $95 Jim Stiffler CPL 49th-64th $55 Buddy Hall INL
25th-32nd $95 Christopher White INL 49th-64th $55 Rik Couch TIO
25th-32nd $95 Bruce Gojetia WWA 49th-64th $55 Mark Fenn PCGP
25th-32nd $95 Jason McGlocklin INL 49th-64th $55 Bill Nelson WWA
25th-32nd $95 Randy Sterling INL 49th-64th $55 Robert Danielson NPL
25th-32nd $95 Eric Gibson NPL 49th-64th $55 Bret Baker PCGP
25th-32nd $95 Dave Horton CPL 49th-64th $55 Peter Young LTD
25th-32nd $95 Allen Cornell INL 49th-64th $55 Wayne Milke NPL
Men's Open-B Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 239
Entry Fee $30
Entry Fees $7,170
Added Money $1,560
Total Payout $8,730
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $775 Akio Nakashima NPL 49th-64th $50 Rick Myers CPL
2nd $600 Terry Thurlow INL 49th-64th $50 Danny Yaroma EV
3rd $465 Nick Dizard LTD 49th-64th $50 Bryan Covey NPL
4th $360 Phong Nguyen LTD 49th-64th $50 John Early TC
5th/6th $280 Jerod Barth LTD 49th-64th $50 Hank Duren EV
5th/6th $280 Ricardo Alvaran CC 49th-64th $50 Tony Tipton CC
7th/8th $220 Troy Payne CWY 49th-64th $50 Philip Gere LTD
7th/8th $220 Nate Bunke CPL 49th-64th $50 Omar Gravelle NPL
9th-12th $170 Jerome Fettig WWA 49th-64th $50 Bill Hayes CPL
9th-12th $170 Daniel Olson NPL 49th-64th $50 Glen Strode LTD
9th-12th $170 Kevin Brennan PCGP 49th-64th $50 Duane Hole NPL
9th-12th $170 Chad Spencer UMP 49th-64th $50 Rich Burns NPL
13th-16th $130 Tip Aufderheide LTD 49th-64th $50 Phil Ortiz MID
13th-16th $130 Paul DeLuna NPL 49th-64th $50 Fred Matzke NPL
13th-16th $130 Tom Myers LCC 49th-64th $50 Mungo Becker INL
13th-16th $130 Karl Hanson CPL 49th-64th $50 Jack Wilson TIO
17th-24th $100 Somerfield Habener EV 65th-96th $35 Jim Fiedler INL
17th-24th $100 Linnie Birdsong LINC 65th-96th $35 Toney Bivvens NPL
17th-24th $100 Gary Neilson UMP 65th-96th $35 Dixon Polk CWY
17th-24th $100 JR Willis EV 65th-96th $35 Nate Dunford NPL
17th-24th $100 Ed Batt LTD 65th-96th $35 Mike West NPL
17th-24th $100 T.J. McFarland LTD 65th-96th $35 David Berkman LCC
17th-24th $100 David Cromp NPL 65th-96th $35 Christopher Aldrich TC
17th-24th $100 Tyler Amos LTD 65th-96th $35 Evan Brossart CPL
25th-32nd $80 Steve Wilson NPL 65th-96th $35 Paul Davies LTD
25th-32nd $80 Joe Parkison NPL 65th-96th $35 Dave Avegio CPL
25th-32nd $80 Steve Kerner NPL 65th-96th $35 Les Buckley EV
25th-32nd $80 Randy Foster UMP 65th-96th $35 Steve Johnson SLC
25th-32nd $80 Brent Kirschenmann LTD 65th-96th $35 Tim Perez TC
25th-32nd $80 David Mackey SWI 65th-96th $35 Ciro Hernandez TIO
25th-32nd $80 Michael Richter TIO 65th-96th $35 Rod Jobe CPL
25th-32nd $80 Branch Hartsell EV 65th-96th $35 David Zelany SWI
33rd-48th $60 Tyrel Datwyler NPL 65th-96th $35 Dennis Bell CPL
33rd-48th $60 Jeff Hayes CPL 65th-96th $35 Soloman Church EV
33rd-48th $60 Phil Squires LTD 65th-96th $35 Phil Gibson EV
33rd-48th $60 Gary Lewis LTD 65th-96th $35 Alex Lugo TC
33rd-48th $60 Don Wilmoth CWY 65th-96th $35 JB Hollander UMP
33rd-48th $60 Richard Lemmon LTD 65th-96th $35 Larry Nathan PCGP
33rd-48th $60 Paul Bennett LTD 65th-96th $35 Lazaro Gutierrez MID
33rd-48th $60 Jason Patrick PCGP 65th-96th $35 Ryan Mastropietro MID
33rd-48th $60 Glen Reckard LTD 65th-96th $35 Denny Partosa WWA
33rd-48th $60 Ray Henry LTD 65th-96th $35 Rocke Bell EV
33rd-48th $60 Steve Alexander TIO 65th-96th $35 Bob Cassella INL
33rd-48th $60 Matthew Denmark LTD 65th-96th $35 Matt Carter LCC
33rd-48th $60 Shane Martin LTD 65th-96th $35 Steve Waitt TC
33rd-48th $60 Robert Harrington CC 65th-96th $35 Stu Stewart Tio
33rd-48th $60 Ian Sharp EV 65th-96th $35 Scott Dunaway CWY
33rd-48th $60 Sid Umtuch CWY 65th-96th $35 Tony Boise COB
Women's Open Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 140
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $4,900
Added Money $1,030
Total Payout $5,930
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $800 Jessica Orth NPL 25th-32nd $60 Liz Vosburg EV
2nd $600 Shirley Morgan NPL 25th-32nd $60 Mandi Ritthaler NPL
3rd $450 Alisha Rogers LTD 25th-32nd $60 Michelle Hughes LTD
4th $340 Angela Jensen LTD 25th-32nd $60 Annie Wapato CWY
5th/6th $255 Eva Hill NPL 25th-32nd $60 Bonnie Russell LCC
5th/6th $255 Nikki Bisconer NPL 25th-32nd $60 Talya Makus LTD
7th/8th $180 Lorraine Krom LTD 25th-32nd $60 Stephanie Karpins PCGP
7th/8th $180 Vanessa Rabito NPL 25th-32nd $60 Tina Tillett TIO
9th-12th $145 Rebecca Easley PCGP 33rd-48th $45 Trish White NPL
9th-12th $145 JC Gill LTD 33rd-48th $45 Bunny Williams WWA
9th-12th $145 Patti Lilje CPL 33rd-48th $45 Teri Dodson LCP
9th-12th $145 Julie Stallings EV 33rd-48th $45 Kim Katzenberger EV
13th-16th $105 Brenda Bartholomew NPL 33rd-48th $45 Robyn Willits NPL
13th-16th $105 Kathleen Rochioli INL 33rd-48th $45 Crystal Deal UMP
13th-16th $105 Sheila Moss INL 33rd-48th $45 Kathy Stanley LTD
13th-16th $105 Alison Meacham CPL 33rd-48th $45 Sara Moore EV
17th-24th $80 Larenda Davis CWY 33rd-48th $45 Lynette Schmale EV
17th-24th $80 Kathy Hoffman EV 33rd-48th $45 Kristie Young PCGP
17th-24th $80 Adele Evans NPL 33rd-48th $45 Charlene Lemmon LTD
17th-24th $80 Elaine Eberly LTD 33rd-48th $45 Nadia Fay NPL
17th-24th $80 Sue Orr WWA 33rd-48th $45 Jackie Tomlinson LTD
17th-24th $80 Stella Speedis CWY 33rd-48th $45 Carole Hartzell TC
17th-24th $80 Aimee Chou LTD 33rd-48th $45 Jena Angerstein EV
17th-24th $80 Debie Leelyn NPL 33rd-48th $45 Brandy Phillips NPL
Men's Senior Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 43
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $1,505
Added Money $420
Total Payout $1,925
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $450 Ronnie Miguez CPL 9th-12th $55 Scott Baber HIH
2nd $315 Steve Baumann MID 9th-12th $55 Robert Koski INL
3rd $225 Lon Widner INL 9th-12th $55 Dean Klump CWY
4th $160 Richard Olson INL 9th-12th $55 Earl Shaddix CC
5th/6th $115 Bill Ermatinger NPL 13th-16th $40 Marc Cowling CPL
5th/6th $115 Ren Hone INL 13th-16th $40 Larry Beck NPL
7th/8th $80 Larry Voss PCGP 13th-16th $40 Dan Beltran EV
7th/8th $80 Bob Sharp EV 13th-16th $40 Cord Parsons MID
Women's Senior Singles return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 15
Entry Fee $35
Entry Fees $525
Added Money $110
Total Payout $635
2nd Place
Place Prize Player League Place Prize Player League
1st $310 Patricia Hayes CWY 3rd $100 Diana Hinshaw LTD
2nd $170 Jean Bartholomew NPL 4th $55 Gayle Gould MID
Men's Novice Singles return to list
1st Place 2nd Place
Place Player Prize League
1st Dan Maricle Trophy and paid entry into Men's Open-B Singles EV
2nd Gaylen Heiken at the next Western BCA Regional Tournament EV
Women's Novice Singles return to list
1st Place 2nd Place
Place Player Prize League
1st Dawn Mason Trophy and paid entry into Women's Open Singles TC
2nd Diane Knapp at the next Western BCA Regional Tournament WWA
Men's/Mixed Master Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 17
Entry Fee $250
Entry Fees $4,250
Added Money $2,805
Total Payout $7,055
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $2750 Team Hustlin' Edmund Carrido Sr. WWA
James Davee LTD
Creigh Dumo WWA
Damain Pongpanik LTD
Stan Tourangeau LTD
2nd $1700 KC's Midway Gary French NPL
Matt Horner CC
Steve Lingelbach NPL
Dan Louie NPL
Mike Stevens NPL
3rd $1075 Abracadabra Chris Byers CPL
Pete Gates CPL
Andrew Monstis CPL
Don Wirtaman CPL
Steve Tune CPL
4th $675 Malarkey's Glenn Atwell NPL
Bobby Campbell NPL
Eddie Mataya NPL
Tommy Sliva NPL
Clark Smith NPL
Scott Thurston NPL
5th/6th $425 Little Dutch Inn Yakima Tim Desmarais CWY
Rich Fearr CWY
Clayton Foran CWY
Nick Lopez CWY
Samath Maul NPL
5th/6th $425 Q Mungous Gary Crane CPL
Mike Diechman CPL
Todd Gooch CPL
Brad Gowin CPL
Damian Rebman CPL
Women's Master Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 14
Entry Fee $250
Entry Fees $3,500
Added Money $1,695
Total Payout $5,195
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $2000 NPL Chix Cindy Doty NPL
Phyllis Fernandez INL
Mary Hopkin NPL
Donna Totten NPL
2nd $1425 The Jawbreakers Liz Cole CPL
Stacy Eilts NPL
Shelby Locati CPL
Eve Stockstill NPL
3rd $1025 Shooters From The Short Bus Kim Hole NPL
Molly Oliver NPL
Cindy Sliva NPL
Mikki Small NPL
4th $725 Out of Line Karla Bagley-Tias COB
Linda Knight COB/PCGP
Alisha Rodgers LTD
Andrea Saenz-Maes NPL
Men's/Mixed Open Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 132
Entry Fee $175
Entry Fees $23,100
Added Money $6,455
Total Payout $29,555
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $2750 Uncle Jack's Billiards Clay Belvoir LTD
Arnold Rapapan LTD
Chris Suarez LTD
John Te LTD
Leo Violette LTD
2nd $2225 All In Balls Out Wesley Bledsoe INL
Jeremy Coffman INL
Rich Irving INL
Carl Tibbetts INL
Christopher White INL
3rd $1800 Anchor Inn Larry Binchus LTD
Randy Click LTD
Chuck Hassler LTD
Glen Reckard LTD
Andrew Purdy LTD
4th $1425 Screwballs Bernard Borran NPL
Daniel Coffman NPL
Leroy Crabb NPL
Shayne Duncklee NPL
Bill Hood NPL
5th/6th $1150 Golden Fleece 2 Sam Candia LTD
Ray Fitzgerald LTD
Phil Squires LTD
Shane Martin LTD
Phil Gere LTD
Phong Nguyen LTD
5th/6th $1150 Last Call 1 Daniel Alexanko UMP
Eric Baird UMP
David Butler UMP
Gary Maxwell UMP
Dan Sternberg UMP
7th/8th $925 Better Late Than Never Shea Lanter NPL
Ron Ok NPL
Steve Pulido NPL
Dan Rodriguez NPL
Sean Stevenson NPL
7th/8th $925 For Whom The Balls Roll Dave Andersen NPL
Toney Bivvens NPL
Charles Burnett NPL
Bill Ermatinger NPL
Henry Rico NPL
9th-12th $750 Rodents Of Unusual Size Bill Fuller NPL
Doug McMullen NPL
Buzz Poleson NPL
Vanessa Rabito NPL
Daniel Schwartz NPL
Dave Shortt NPL
9th-12th $750 Chalk Blockers Dan Bernasconi NPL
David Kartchner NPL
Draig Pauli NPL
Paul Sendek NPL
Aaron Troyer NPL
9th-12th $750 bad Influences Jesse Arismendez CC
Doug Ellenberger CC
Audie Hall CC
Robert Osmundsen CC
Shawn Self CC
Billy Sexton CC
Markus White CC
9th-12th $750 Border Jumpers Dennis Brown INL
Mark East INL
Matthew Moreno INL
Randy Sterling INL
John Venditti INL
13th-16th $600 Last Team Standing Dave Connors NPL
Jason Grijalva NPL
Craig Irwin NPL
Frank Kincl NPL
Kevin Parr NPL
Darrell Schulden NPL
13th-16th $600 Good Ol' Boyz Terry Bayne CWY
Scott Dzurik CWY
Paul Gronillo CWY
Rick McGuire CWY
Paul DeLuna CWY
13th-16th $600 Highly Overrated Jeramy Daniels EV
Hank Duren EV
Ryan Huntoon EV
Sheldon Lebow EV
Wade Simmons EV
13th-16th $600 Have Cues Will Travel Dan Glynn INL
Robert Hamilton INL
Randy Ohrstrom INL
Brian Kvasnicka INL
Lon Widner INL
17th-24th $475 Old #7 Mike Bergland INL
Scott Gracio INL
Buddy Hall INL
Yo Jones INL
David Long INL
17th-24th $475 Krickett's Players Jimmy Best WWA
Tim Best WWA
Sean Dines WWA
Moi Atinae WWA
Mike Siplivy WWA
Tony Smith WWA
17th-24th $475 Another Gear Drew Burleson NPL
Mike Jensen NPL
Larry Maes NPL
Justin McCrory NPL
Jessica Orth NPL
David Ringler NPL
17th-24th $475 Got Hustled Sokvorn Butt WWA
Glenford Carrido Sr. WWA
Chad Hartje WWA
Nolan Pagdilao WWA
Brian Roberson WWA
17th-24th $475 8 Balls and A Rack Bryan Bourne INL
Jim Fiedler INL
Madalina Moreno INL
Terry Thurlow INL
Paul Ward INL
17th-24th $475 Korner Pocket Billiards Rick Amos LTD
Tyler Amos LTD
Cody Clark LTD
Paul Davies LTD
Greg Odal LTD
17th-24th $475 PJ's Cruisers Mike Deveau WWA
Vernon Joe WWA
Owen Miller WWA
Bill Nelson WWA
Doug Schulze WWA
17th-24th $475 Peking Tigers Eddie Dinglasan NPB
Jerry Hagen NPB
Pat O'Meara NPB
Dave Secord NPB
Chris Storm NPB
25th-32nd $400 Ace's Casino Bill Irons LTD
Keith Johnson LTD
Brent Langley LTD
Adam Stromberg LTD
Rod Weflen LTD
25th-32nd $400 Chin High Woody's Chuck Crowell CPL
Alex Hargand CPL
Louie Ortega CPL
Bill Ruddick CPL
Andrew Zuniga CPL
25th-32nd $400 Chewy's Chooters Kristopher Behrman MID
Dennis Heine MID
Cortney Nash MID
Mike Ohmer MID
Cord Parsons MID
25th-32nd $400 JDS II Bret Baker PCGP
Sonny Boggs PCGP
Mark Fenn PCGP
James Myers PCGP
Pat Sherier PCGP
25th-32nd $400 The Wizards Jim Barth NPB
Pam Carraway NPB
Bill Henderson NPB
Mindi Henning NPB
Carl Olson NPB
25th-32nd $400 PC's Prestige Ed Batt LTD
Jason Fick LTD
Herb Kier LTD
Brent Kirschenmann LTD
Martin Sequin LTD
25th-32nd $400 Dog House Junkies Lee Baldwin WWA
Mark Beardslee WWA
James Raymond WWA
Rich Rottle WWA
Brad Laskoski WWA
Joe Tamura WWA
25th-32nd $400 The Gorrilas Steve Gelow NPL
Joe Ladd NPL
Tony Metcalf NPL
David Scarth NPL
Steve Schneringer NPL
33rd-48th $300 Cards Steve Anderson CPL
Duey Bennett CPL
Richard Campbell CPL
Thomas Griffin CPL
Ray Hamness CPL
Scott Hamness CPL
33rd-48th $300 Black Star Rebels Dale Altenburg WWA
John Brooks WWA
Charles Dearfield WWA
Kevin Hoerner WWA
Jason Kruger WWA
Lisa Kruger WWA
Jason Sams WWA
33rd-48th $300 Eight Balls - One Pocket Joel Bogart LTD
DiAngelo Harris LTD
Jeremy Harvey LTD
Michelle Hughes LTD
Thomas Tebbs LTD
33rd-48th $300 Ask Us Later Josh Anderson CWY
Rodney Barney CWY
Eddie Dunaway CWY
Scott Dunaway CWY
Willie Wong CWY
33rd-48th $300 Mick and Moms Jeff Austin CC
Daneen Carpenter CC
Dan Myers CC
Adam Raymond CC
Kevin Tibbs CC
Tracy Vestal CC
David Wu CC
33rd-48th $300 Kontrolled Kaos Dennis Collins CPL
Karl Hansen CPL
Steve Marker CPL
Tommy Millhollin CPL
Nic Ramirez CPL
33rd-48th $300 What a Deal Dan Beltran EV
Ace Ogletree EV
Robert Cummings EV
Dan Madden EV
Bob Robbins EV
33rd-48th $300 Rollin Brandon Crum EV
Joel Peck EV
Bob Red EV
Garrett Smith EV
JR Willis EV
33rd-48th $300 The Strokes Aaron Coe NPL
Tyrel Datwyler NPL
Max Hoage NPL
Milan Kopecky NPL
Al Williams Jr NPL
33rd-48th $300 Bend Shooters Andy Fenwick COB
Travis Graves COB
Lono Kaai COB
Kevin Kyle COB
Steve Scherrer COB
33rd-48th $300 4 Blind Mice Jack Barbour SLC
Ben Antonio SLC
Leroy Evans SLC
Patti Gary SLC
Steve Johnson SLC
Mel White SLC
33rd-48th $300 Exterminators Dick Bond PCGP
Bob Bouvette PCGP
Kevin Brennan PCGP
Jason Patrick PCGP
Larry Voss PCGP
33rd-48th $300 The Sneaky Peters Lloyd Aalvik NPL
Bob Bingham NPL
Joe Rubens NPL
John Skiba NPL
Dave Thompson NPL
33rd-48th $300 Roadhouse Militia Phil Bremer CPL
Michael Carpenter CPL
Jeff Hayes CPL
TJ Wiedmaier CPL
Ron Vandyke CPL
33rd-48th $300 Littlerock John Early TC
Larry Francisco TC
Mike Gwinn TC
Carroll Johnson TC
Mike Peters TC
33rd-48th $300 Iron Man 5 Dave Bowlby CPL
Gene Copher CPL
Steve Copher CPL
Ray Cunningham CPL
Tony Dunlap CPL
Women's Open Teams return to list
1st Place
Total Entries 37
Entry Fee $175
Entry Fees $6,475
Added Money $1,090
Total Payout $7,565
2nd Place
Place Prize Team Name Player League
1st $1500 Shooting Stars Glenda Bell MID
Sheri Cook MID
Gayle Gould MID
Teresa Shaw MID
2nd $1160 Chalk-A-Lot Cherish Carpenter CPL
Joyce Gumm CPL
Jennifer Lewis CPL
Alison Meacham CPL
Lisa Wagner CPL
3rd $920 Toadstool Dream Girls Suzanne Mackey SWI
Vicke Mathews SWI
Cheryl Wilson SWI
Candy Zelany SWI
4th $700 Grann-EZZ Florine Bergstrom TC
Patsy Elders TC
Brenda Grigsby TC
Kathy Underwood TC
5th/6th $540 In It 2 Win It Kimberly Allen CPL
Rachael Howe CPL
Toni Miner CPL
Joyce Phipps CPL
Katie Sullivan CPL
5th/6th $540 Past & Present Peggy Brown LTD
Kimmy Derry LTD
Sandra Frazier LTD
Jamie Meiers LTD
Sara Mullineaux LTD
7th/8th $420 Driving 101 Condensed Nikki Bisconer NPL
Eva Hill NPL
Debie Leelyn NPL
Shirley Morgan NPL
7th/8th $420 Doc's Remedies Cindy Bade LCP
Sheree Larson LCP
Jenny Sheldon LCP
Tina Wiegardt LCP
9th-12th $340 Life Is Good Patti Chen LTD
Angela Jensen LTD
Suwanna Kroll LTD
Leann Russell LTD
9th-12th $340 All Bust,No Balls Val Bowlin CC
Kristi Erickson CC
Wendie Hamm CC
Tracii Self CC
Chris Virgin CC
9th-12th $340 3 X K+S Nancy Ann Kennedy LTD
Elena Kharitidi LTD
Hannah Kimball LTD
Jean Snow LTD
9th-12th $340 In It To Win It Tammi King WWA
Stacy Medina WWA
Barbra Sauls WWA
Dianna Trent WWA